Learning Chinese
Published: Dec 12, 2021 06:53 PM
Chat attack

boxed lunch/午餐便当/ (wǔcān biàndānɡ)

A: Want to eat lunch together today?


(jīntiān zhōnɡwǔ yīqǐ chīfàn ma?)

B: Not today I'm afraid, I made a boxed lunch. 


(wǒ kǒnɡpà jīntiān bùxínɡ, wǒ zìjǐ zuòle wǔcān biàndānɡ.)

A: Really? Ok, maybe next time. I heard that you are English. What does an Englishman's boxed lunch have in it? 


(shìma?hǎobā, nà xiàcì.tīnɡshuō nǐ shì yīnɡɡuórén, yīnɡɡuórén de wǔcān biàndānɡ lǐ dōuyǒu shenme ma?)

B: For your average student or office worker, they will usually choose a sandwich, a bag of potato chips and some fruit for vitamins. 


(duìyú xuéshēnɡ hé shànɡbānzú, tāmén huì xuǎnzé chī sānmínɡzhì, yīdài shǔpiàn wàijiā shuǐɡuǒ bǔchōnɡ wéitāmìnɡ.)

A: Sounds simple and nutritious, but a bit too boring for me. In China, people's boxed lunches are usually full of a variety of things, putting together both northern and southern foods.  


(tīnɡqǐlái jiǎndān yòu yínɡyǎnɡ, dàn duìyú wǒ láishuō yǒuxiē dāndiào le.zài zhōnɡɡuó, rénménde wǔcān biàndānɡ fēichánɡ fēnɡfù, huìjù nánběi càiyáo.)

B: Yeah, I know. This stems from China's rich and varied food culture and the rapid development of food delivery platforms.  


(shìde, wǒ zhīdào.zhè déyìyú zhōnɡɡuó fēnɡfù duōyànɡ de yǐnshí wénhuà hé kuàisù fāzhǎnde wàimài sònɡcān pínɡtái.)

Illustrations: Liu Xidan/GT

Illustrations: Liu Xidan/GT