Learning Chinese
Published: Jan 03, 2022 07:06 PM
Chat attack

slow-heat person (someone who takes time to warm up to others) / 慢热的人 / (mànrè de rén)

A: Do you want to go to a party with me tonight? You may not know the people at the party but they are all very interesting. 


(jīntiān wǎnshànɡ nǐ yào ɡēnwǒ yīqǐ qù yīɡè paiduì ma?nàɡè paiduì shànɡ dōushì bù rènshí dàn hěnyǒu yìsī de rén.)

B: Okay. I'll go and have a look, but I may leave early if the party makes me feel uncomfortable.  


(hǎoā, wǒ ɡēnnǐ qù kànkàn, dànshì wǒ kěnénɡ huì tíqián líkāi, rúɡuǒ paiduì rànɡwǒ ɡǎndào bù shūfú.)

A: Why would you be uncomfortable? Isn't it a good thing to interact with strangers?   


(zěnme huì bù shūfú ne?hé bùtónɡ de mòshēnɡrén jiāojì bùshì hěn hǎo de shìqínɡ ma?)

B: Getting to know new friends is fine, but I'm a slow-heat person, so I need more time to get used to a new environment or people. 


(rènshí xīn pénɡyǒu shì bùcuò, dànshì wǒshì yīɡè mànrè de rén, wǒ xūyào ɡènɡduō de shíjiān qù shúxī shēnchǔde huánjìnɡ hé zhōuwéi de rén.)

A: Doesn't it waste a lot of time to spend a lot of time getting used to things?


(huā hěnduō shíjiān qù shìyīnɡ shēnbiān de rénshì bùshì yījiàn hěn lànɡfèi shíjiān de shìqínɡ ma?)

B: It all depends on each person's personality.  


(zhèdé kàn měiɡè rén bùtónɡde xìnɡɡé.)
Illustration: Liu Xidan/GT

Illustration: Liu Xidan/GT