Learning Chinese
Published: Sep 22, 2022 08:59 PM
Illustration: Xia Qing/Global Times

Illustration: Xia Qing/Global Times

Movie lines

21 Bridges /《21座桥》(èrshíyī zuò qiáo)

1. Because you're the only cop who hasn't tried to shoot me first.


(yīnwèi nǐshì wéiyī yīɡè méiyǒu xiānkāiqiānɡ shèjī wǒ de jǐnɡchá.)

2. He taught you to comply with your conscience in an usually merciless world.


(tā jiàonǐ zàiyīɡè tōnɡchánɡ lěnɡkùwúqínɡ de shìjièlǐ zūncónɡ zìjǐ de liánɡxīn.)

3. If we don't catch these guys within the subsequent three to four hours, they vanish.


(rúɡuǒ wǒmén bùnénɡ zài jiēxiàlái de sān dào sìɡè xiǎoshí nèi zhuāzhù zhèxiē jiāhuǒ, tāmén jiùhuì xiāoshī.)

4. There aren't any cameras aimed right at the entrances.


(zhènɡduì rùkǒu de dìfānɡ méiyǒu shèxiànɡtóu.)

5. They are known to be armed and extremely dangerous.


(jù liáojiě, tāmén quánfù wǔzhuānɡ bìnɡqiě jíqí wēixiǎn.)

6. Your only hope is to tell the truth, pray to God for forgiveness, and make peace with the fact that you may die in prison.


(nǐ wéiyī de xīwànɡ jiùshì shuōzhēnhuà, xiànɡ shànɡdì qíqiú kuānshù, bìnɡ jiēshòu nǐ kěnénɡ huì sǐzài yùzhōnɡ de shìshí.)

7. I may not find the drives, but I will find out why tonight happened.


(wǒ kěnénɡ zhǎo bùdào nàxiē yìnɡpán, dàn wǒ huì nònɡqīnɡchǔ wèishenme huì fāshēnɡ jīnwǎn de shìqínɡ.)