Learning Chinese
Published: Sep 28, 2022 08:52 PM

Chat attack

funeral worker / 殡葬业工作者 / (bìnzànɡyè ɡōnɡzuòzhě) 

A: I heard that you are a reporter. Have you heard any unforgettable stories recently? 


(tīnɡshuō nǐshì yīɡè jìzhě, nǐ zuìjìn tīnɡdào shenme rànɡnǐ nánwànɡ de ɡùshì ma?)

B: I recently interviewed a young woman. She was once an airline stewardess, but later made a career change to become a funeral worker. She said that women's consideration and attentiveness can help comfort those  who have lost their relatives.  


(wǒ zuìjìn cǎifǎnɡ le yīɡè niánqīnɡ nǚhái, tā cénɡshì ɡè kōnɡjiě, dàn hòulái zhuǎnhang zuòle bìnzànɡ hanɡyè ɡōnɡzuòzhě.tāshuō nǚxìnɡ de tǐtiē hé xìxīn nénɡ ānfǔ nàxiē shīqù qīnrén de rén.)

A: That sounds really amazing. Her story makes me think of a hot TV show. It takes viewers into the lives and work of these special service people. 


(zhè tīnɡqǐlái hěn liaobùqǐ.tāde ɡùshì rànɡwǒ xiǎnɡdào zuìjìn yībù rèbō de diànshìjù, tā dài dàzhònɡ zǒujìn le zhèqún tèshū de fúwù rényuán de ɡōnɡzuò hé shēnɡhuó.)

B: I think this TV show is pretty good. It can get rid of some of the prejudices people have about this industry.


(wǒ juédé zhèyànɡ de diànshìjù hěn bùcuò, tānénɡ rànɡ ɡènɡduōrén xiāochú duì zhèɡè hangnɡyède piānjiàn.)

A: You're right, I like the TV show very much.


(nǐ shuōde méicuò, wǒ hěn xǐhuān nàɡè diànshìjù.)

Illustrations:Xia Qing/GT

Illustrations:Xia Qing/GT