Learning Chinese
Published: Oct 20, 2022 07:03 PM
Chat attack

hair clip / 发卡 / (fāqiǎ) 

A: Do you want to come over to my place to play this weekend? You can also see my doggie's new look.   


(zhèɡè zhōumò nǐ xiǎnɡlái wǒjiā wánwán ma? shùnbiàn kànkàn wǒjiā xiǎoɡǒu de xīn zhuānɡbàn.)

B: Of course. But can you reveal some nice details about your doggie's new look?  


(dānɡrán hǎo ā, bùɡuò nǐnénɡ ɡēnwǒ tòulù xià nǐjiā xiǎoɡǒu yǒu shenme xīn zhuānɡbàn ma?)

A: It's been cold recently so I've bought a bunch of cute sweaters for it.


(zuìjìn tiān liánɡle, wǒ ɡěitā mǎile hǎoduō kěài de máoyī.)

B: Speaking of this, I've been reminded of a recent trending topic online. A netizen claimed that her dad bought their dog more than 100 different hair clips.  


(shuōdào zhèɡè, wǒ xiǎnɡdào zuìjìn wǎnɡshànɡ de yīɡè rèsōu.yǒuwèi wǎnɡyǒu chēnɡ tā bàbà ɡěi jiālǐ de ɡǒuɡǒu mǎile shànɡbǎiméi fāqiǎ.)

A: What else did the netizen say in the post? 


(zhèɡè fātiē de wǎnɡyǒu hái shuō shenme ne?) 

B: She said she never got this type of treatment when she was young. Sometimes if she wanted to use the dog's hair clips she would have to get her dad's permission. 


(tāshuō tā xiǎoshíhòu dōu méiyǒu zhèzhǒnɡ dàiyù.yǒu shíhòu xiǎnɡyào yònɡ xiǎoɡǒu de fāqiǎ hái bìxū jīnɡɡuò bàbà de tónɡyì.)
Illustrations:Liu Xidan/GT

Illustrations:Liu Xidan/GT