On Screen
Published: Nov 10, 2022 08:16 PM
'To the World with You': Picturesque road movie explores adventure and education

To be released on Friday in cinemas in China, this road movie inspires audiences to think about family relationships, adventure and education.

The documentary film To the World with You tells the true story of a young travel-loving couple in their 30s who decide to take their 10-year-old son, nicknamed Simba after the character from the Lion King, on a trip around the world. The documentary presents an educational story through the record of their experiences on the road as filmed by the father, Xu Chenghua.

From viewing glaciers and icebergs in the Arctic and experiencing hot air balloons overlooking Cappadocia in Turkey to feeling the power of nature at the seaside and watching speeding horses across the vast grasslands of Eurasia, the three family members enjoy as many picturesque landscapes as they can. And in the meantime, they share their thoughts on love and strength to encourage each other.

Accompanied by his parents, the child took his first trip at an age of 3. Since then, he has been to more than 20 countries and has even stepped foot onto the Arctic and Antarctica. The documentary covers the family's third major trip, during which they encounter countless unexpected challenges.

"Just like reading a book, travel is another important means of education. When parents take their children outside the country, young kids gain a deep impression and more understanding of the things they encounter, which is sometimes even more effective than learning from a book," said Xu, who is also the documentary's director, told the Guangzhou Daily on Monday.

Previously, Xu had edited their travels into several short episodes that he uploaded online, but this time they have decided to bring their travelogue to the big screen. 

The family's stories have triggered huge public discussion, with many people expressing wishes to take their own trips to see the world. 

In the four days since the trailer was released on Monday, it has attracted more than 100, 000 likes on social media from netizens, many of whom say they are looking forward to the amazing vistas presented in the film.

Global Times