Iranian students see a prosperous, lovable China via photo exhibition
Published: Nov 23, 2022 07:48 PM
In the courtyard of the Chinese Embassy in Iran, questions and answers were exchanged between Iranian students and the Chinese ambassador among lines of photos on China.

"Has autonomous driving been widely promoted in China?" Mobina Moradkhani, a third-year Chinese major at the University of Tehran, asked in front of a picture of cars moving on a road between skyscrapers. According to the caption, these are self-driving cars on the road in the high-level autonomous driving demo area in Beijing.

"Experiments are still being carried out in designated areas in major cities such as Beijing, and I believe they will be applied more widely in the future," answered Chinese Ambassador to Iran Chang Hua while ushering the students visiting the photo exhibition An Extraordinary Decade of China in the New Era.

The ambassador guided the students from the Confucius Institute at the University of Tehran and introduced in detail the achievements made by the Communist Party of China and the Chinese people over the past decade.

Another picture of wild elephants sleeping soundly impressed Moradkhani even more. She learned that a herd of 17 Asian elephants from a state-level nature reserve in Xishuangbanna in Southwest China's Yunnan Province began to migrate northward in March 2020. During the journey which lasted more than 10 months, people quietly made way for the elephants wherever they roamed.

Moradkhani had always known China is prosperous, yet the story of the elephants presented her a China "full of love," she said.

Sepehr Fouladnia, 31, obtained a bachelor's degree in economics and worked in a bank before deciding to pursue an undergraduate degree in Chinese.

"China has played a very key global role in many areas over the past decade, and there are many lessons for developing countries to learn... Iranians are interested in the latest developments in China, and Iran needs to strengthen ties with China and learn from China's development strategy for modernization," Fouladnia said.