Learning Chinese
Published: Dec 25, 2022 09:20 PM
Chat attack

creative sculpture / 创意雕塑/ (chuànɡyì diāosù) 

A: I've heard that you are a sculptor. What are you working on right now? 


(tīnɡshuō nǐshì yīɡè diāosù yìshùjiā, nǐ zhènɡzài zuò shenme zuòpǐn ne?)  

B: I'm currently designing a creative scuplture that is related to China's 12 zodiac animals.


(wǒ zhènɡzài shèjì yīɡè chuànɡyì diāosù, tāhé zhōnɡɡuó de shíèr shēnɡxiāo yǒuɡuān.)  

A: Hearing you say this reminds me of a recent creative sculpture in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. The sculpture is also related to China's 12 zodiac animals.  


(tīnɡnǐ zhème yīshuō, wǒxiǎnɡ qǐ zuìjìn zài hánɡzhōude yīzuò chuànɡyì diāosù, tāyě hé zhōnɡɡuó de shíèr  shēnɡxiāo yǒuɡuān.)  

B: Tell me about it.  


(shuōlái tīnɡtīnɡ.) 

A: The zodiac animal of 2023 is the rabbit, so this statue is a big rabbit that is more than 4 meters tall. 


(erlingersannián duìyīnɡde zhōnɡɡuó shēnɡxiāo shì tù, yīncǐ  zhèzuò diāosù shì yīzhī  dàtùzǐ, tāyǒu chāoɡuò simǐɡāo.)

B: I guess that this is a public statue right?


(wǒcāi tā yīnɡɡāishì yījiàn  ɡōnɡɡònɡ diāosù zuòpǐn bā?)

A: That's right. This rabbit-shaped creative sculpture is on a street in Hangzhou and has attracted a lot of city residents to look at it.


(méicuò, zhèjiàn tùxínɡ chuànɡyì diāosù bèi fànɡzàile hánɡzhōu jiētóu, yǐnfāle hěnduō shìmín de wéiɡuān.)

B: This work has inspired me a lot, I also hope that my creative sculptures can be seen by more people.


(zhèjiàn zuòpǐn duìwǒ hěnyǒu qǐfā,wǒyě xīwànɡ zìjǐ de chuànɡyì diāosù zuòpǐn nénɡbèi ɡènɡduōrén kàndào.)

Illustrations:Chen Xia/GT

Illustrations:Chen Xia/GT