Reading ‘The Call of the Wild’ teaches me essence of human spirit
Exploring humanity and nature
Published: Nov 16, 2023 09:20 PM Updated: Nov 17, 2023 08:33 PM
Editor's Note:

"Read ten thousand books, and your pen will be guided as if by the gods" is an ancient Chinese idiom that can be seen in students' textbooks. China's Ministry of Education has published an action plan to further promote reading among students across the nation. With new and diverse book recommendations, the reading scene is expected to be revived not only at schools, but also across society. To contribute to this endeavor, the Global Times launched "My Reading Life" essay contest for middle school students.

Please pick up a pen and share your stories with us at

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In the timeless history of literature, there are works that transcend epochs, resonating with the essence of the human spirit. Jack London's The Call of the Wild stands as a testament to the enduring power of storytelling, captivating me with its primal allure and evocative portrayal of the untamed wilderness.

London's narrative serves as more than a mere adventure tale, but it is a profound exploration of the symbiotic relationship between humanity and nature. 

As I embarked on this literary journey, the arctic winds and pristine landscape unfolded before me, weaving a narrative that transcends the boundaries of time and space.

At the heart of the novel is Buck, a domesticated dog thrust into the brutal embrace of the wild. Through his eyes, I witness the transformative power of the untamed wilderness. Buck's journey from a pet to a leader of the pack becomes a metaphorical odyssey, echoing the struggles and triumphs of the human spirit grappling with its own innate nature.

Buck's encounters with a series of masters - each representing a facet of human nature - serve as mirrors reflecting the varied aspects of the human condition. 

From cruelty and indifference to sympathy and understanding, these characters become conduits for the exploration of morality, loyalty, and the delicate dance between civilization and savagery.

We cannot overlook the thematic depth embedded in Buck's interactions with John Thornton, a prospector who recognizes the indomitable spirit within the canine protagonist. 

Thornton becomes a touchstone for Buck's loyalty and a beacon of humanity amid the harshness of the wild. Their bond illustrates the profound connections that can exist between humans and the creatures of the wild, transcending the boundaries of species.

London's narrative mastery extends beyond the wilderness itself, delving into the intricate tapestry of the human soul. The novel becomes a mirror reflecting the internal landscapes of its readers, including myself, inviting introspection on the wild within.

As the final pages unfolded, I found myself not at the culmination of a story but at the threshold of self-discovery. London's masterpiece left an indelible mark on my literary consciousness, urging me to listen attentively to the primal echoes within and heed the call of the wild that reverberates in the recesses of the human spirit. 

In this timeless tale, I discovered not only the essence of the wild but the profound wisdom that lies beneath the surface of a narrative crafted with unparalleled literary finesse.