Culture Beat: ‘Pegasus 2’ movie cast share stories
Published: Jan 30, 2024 11:49 PM
Promotional material for movie Pegasus 2 Photo: Courtesy of Maoyan

Promotional material for movie Pegasus 2 Photo: Courtesy of Maoyan

 Chinese movie Pegasus 2 casting director and actor Han Han, Shen Teng and Fan Chengcheng will hit screens on February 10, the first day of the upcoming Spring Festival as they shared their behind-the-scenes stories on a Monday's press conference.

Han said that after completing Pegasus, he and his team began contemplating how the sequel's story should unfold. He noted that the sequel had to live up to the audience's love for the first installment. After exploring various story directions and attempting different script versions and outlines, a new story that met his standards was finally settled upon.

The film narrates the humorous journey of driving instructor Zhang Chi (Shen) and aspiring new racer Li Xiaohai (Fan) as they embark on the last edition of the Bayinbrook Rally. 

The first film in the series also premiered on the first day of the Chinese New Year in 2019, ultimately grossing 1.726 billion yuan ($243 million), setting a record for Han's directorial career.

Five years later, with the release of Pegasus 2, the director stated that both the film's story and visuals have all undergone a comprehensive upgrade.