Learning Chinese

Source:Global Times Published: 2019/9/18 17:33:41

Chat attack

physical activity


(tǐlì huó) 

A: We've been walking around this shopping center for two hours, haven't you found a suitable pair of shoes yet?


(zánmen dōu zài shānɡchǎnɡ ɡuànɡ le liǎnɡɡe xiǎoshí le, nǐ háiméiyǒu zhǎodào héshì de xiéma?)

B: Hang in there. I think the shop in front of us there will definitely have what I want. Let's take a look.


(jiānchí zhù, wǒ juéde qiánmiàn nàjiā diàn lǐ yīdìnɡ yǒu, zánmen qù kànkàn.)

A: You go on ahead. I'm going to rest for a bit on this bench here.


(nǐ zìjǐ qùba, wǒ zài zhèbiān de chánɡyǐ shànɡ xiūxī yīxià.)  

B: You're really lacking exercise. Window shopping is a physical activity, how are you going to go window shopping with your girlfriend in the future?


(nǐ zhēnshì quēfá duànliàn, ɡuànɡjiē kě shì ɡè tǐlì huó, nǐ yǐhòu zěnme péi nǐ wèilái de nǚpénɡyǒu ɡuànɡjiē?)

A: I will have her order her stuff online.


(wǒ huì rànɡtā zhíjiē zài wǎnɡshànɡ xiàdān de.)

Illustration: Xia Qing/GT


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