
Source:Global Times Published: 2020/2/27 12:23:40

Happy birthday: 

Make sure you lift up your head and take a look around you every now and then. This will be a good time to turn your attention to places and things that you normally wouldn't pay much attention to. Your lucky numbers: 1, 7, 9, 15, 17.                            

Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20)

It's time to change things up by doing something different today. Plan an activity with a close friend or your significant other. Trying something new will give you a new perspective on your life. Yellow will be your lucky color. ✭✭✭          

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 19)

Today is not a good day for sitting back and relaxing. You will only be able to make progress by being aggressive and actively pursuing your goals. Fortunately for you, you will accomplish much more than you originally thought if you put in enough effort. ✭✭✭✭         

Taurus (Apr 20 - May 20)

Someone close to you is preparing to ask you an important question. Make sure you listen carefully to what they are trying to say, as they may have a hard time making themselves clear. ✭✭✭ 

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 20)

It looks like the stars are about to align for you today. Everything will seem to magically go your way. This will be an excellent time to push your plans forward and to start new ventures. ✭✭✭                  

Cancer (Jun 21 - Jul 22)

Gray skies are on the way for you in the near future. Make necessary preparations so that you can safely navigate your way through this stormy weather. ✭✭✭ 

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 22)

If you run from challenges today you will end up missing out on an important opportunity that could change everything for you. Keep your eyes open to what is going on around you. ✭✭✭     

Virgo (Aug 23 - Sep 22) 

This will not be a good day to take unnecessary risks. While playing it safe may feel frustrating, it will be in your best interests to wait for a better time to make your move. Do everything you can to avoid heavy traffic today. ✭✭✭     

Libra (Sep 23 - Oct 22)

Look for something that speaks to you and head right toward it today. By following your instincts you will be able to experience things you would have missed otherwise. Stay in close touch with friends by making arrangements for a dinner date. ✭✭✭ 

Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)

You will be able to see an old situation from a new perspective if you are willing to put aside your preconceived notions and open your heart. Your finances are looking good. This is a great time to invest. ✭✭✭✭

Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)

A message from the past may disturb the peaceful calm you've been working hard to maintain for quite some time now. This can turn into a messy situation if you let it. Your best bet would be to confront issues straight on. ✭✭✭ 

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)

You will have the opportunity to allow an old acquaintance back into your life in some form or another. Think carefully about what you want. ✭✭✭      

Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)

Every day is a good time to turn over a new leaf when it comes to bad habits. Even if you've failed before in the past, it certainly won't hurt to try again. ✭✭✭✭

Posted in: HOROSCOPE

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