Greek coalition govt wins renewed confidence vote

Source:Xinhua Published: 2014-10-11 11:16:37

The coalition government in Greece has won a renewed confidence vote early Saturday, averting the scenario of snap elections.

Parliament voted 155-131 in favor of the coalition of Prime Minister Antonis Samaras' conservative New Democracy party and the socialist PASOK party, Speaker Vangelis Meimarakis announced.

The outcome came as no surprise since the coalition holds 155 seats in the 300-seat legislature.

Before the vote, the government sought to clear speculation about snap elections and called on lawmakers to support efforts for unity and national consensus.

"International markets today are concerned only about political stability. With the confidence vote we send a message of stability," Samaras told the chamber shortly before the vote.

Main opposition Radical Left SYRIZA party and other opposition parties insisted on the necessity to go to the polls as soon as possible and change course to give breathing space to recession-hit Greek people.

As the debate was coming to an end on Friday evening, labor unions and left-wing parties organized a rally outside the parliament building to protest against the government's economic policies.

Since 2010, Greek governments introduced tough austerity and reform measures in face of severe financial crisis.

The latest economic figures have turned positive, and the country is expected to return to growth this year.

Posted in: Europe

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