Children's book illustrates world of pottery from 5,000 years ago

Source:Xinhua Published: 2020/1/21 18:13:40

the Liangzhu Civilization Series Photo: the courtesy of the Zhejiang University Press

Liangzhu, a cultural site in East China's Zhejiang Province inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2019, has released a children's picture book about the history of pottery.

Produced by the Liangzhu Museum, the picture book, Liangliang's Pottery World, tells the story of the protagonist Liangliang and her family. Her grandfather is a pottery master making preparations for a feast hosted by the king of Liangzhu to welcome the ruler of Fuquanshan, another site of ancient ruins that was found in Shanghai.

All earthenware items in the book, published by the Zhejiang People's Publishing House, can be traced to exhibits in the museum, according to the museum.

The Liangzhu ruins have gained world recognition as a testimony to the existence of at least 5,000 years of Chinese civilization. Pottery was widely used in both royal and civilian families at that time. 

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