Government denies foreign team part of rescue efforts

By Global Times Source:Global Times - Xinhua Published: 2013-4-23 0:38:01

A spokesperson with the Chinese foreign ministry said Monday afternoon that there is no foreign rescue team currently in the quake-hit Sichuan Province.

During a regular press briefing, Hua Chunying said if needed, China will call upon some nations for help.

The announcement came after news reports saying a Russian team consisting of 198 rescuers arrived at Chengdu airport in the province around noon Monday.

"We currently don't need foreign teams due to the narrow roads and limited space in the area," Hua said, adding that the country welcomes and is grateful for the donation of funds from the international community.

The Xinhua News Agency reported that the team had joined relief efforts for the earthquake after the China Earthquake Administration suggested that they conduct their work in Baoxing county, one of the hardest-hit areas. It also reported that by Monday the county had some 1,000 rescuers involved in the relief effort.

Qin Gang, another foreign ministry spokesman, said in a Sunday statement that foreign teams are not required for the moment, as the government is going all out to carry out rescue work and the country has guaranteed rescue and medical treatment capabilities and sufficient rescue materials.

Also on Monday, Yoshihide Suga, Japan's chief cabinet secretary, said Japan can immediately send a team if China needs it, in a gesture of gratitude for China's assistance after the triple-disaster in March 2011.


Posted in: Diplomacy

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