Beslan mourns

Source:Global Times Published: 2014-9-4 0:18:01

A woman at a commemorative event marking 10 years since the Beslan school siege at the memorial to the victims of the terrorist attack on Monday in North Ossetia, Russia. The hostage crisis started on September 1, 2004 when a group of armed Islamic militants, mostly Ingush and Chechen, occupied School No.1 in the town of Beslan. It lasted three days and involved the capture of over 1,100 people as hostages, ending with the death of 334 people, 186 of them children, after Russian special forces stormed the building. The event led to security and political repercussions in Russia; most notably it contributed to a series of federal government reforms consolidating power in the Kremlin. Photo: CFP

A woman stands on Monday at the City of Angels memorial cemetery in Beslan, the final resting place for the victims of the terrorist attack at Beslan's School No.1. Photo: CFP

A woman brings flowers at a memorial in School No.1 to mourn the victims of the 2004 Beslan school siege on Monday. Photo: CFP

A Russian Orthodox priest on Wednesday leads a commemoration service in Saint Petersburg at the memorial to the victims of the Beslan school tragedy. Photo: AFP



Posted in: Europe, World

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