Mexico permits company to explore oil with seismic technique
Published: Apr 10, 2009 02:58 PM Updated: May 25, 2011 12:44 PM

Mexico Energy Ministry has permitted state-owned oil company Petroleos Mexicanos (Pemex) to pilot oil exploration with seismic technique.

The company will first carry out the pilot oil detection in Las Choapas, Minatitlan, Hidlagotitlan and Uxpanapa in east coastal state Veracruz and then in nearby Tabasco state's Comalcalco, Cardenas, Jalpa de Mendez, Centro, Cunduacann and Hulmanguillo.

By sending shockwave into the earth and measuring its reflection, computers can estimate the structure deep in the earth, which can help geologists determine whether there exists oil or not.

Due to the declining output in Cantarell, the largest oil field in Mexico, Pemex now tries to find oil and gas in other parts of the country.

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