Nicaragua reactivates health emergency plan on A(H1N1)
Published: Aug 28, 2009 05:57 PM Updated: May 25, 2011 12:58 PM

Nicaragua has reactivated its A(H1N1) emergency plan less than a month after it ended due to a re-outbreak of the influenza pandemic.

Nicaraguan Health Minister Guillermo Gonzalez said President Daniel Ortega decreed on Thursday a return to the sanitary emergency plan, which would last 70 days, and necessary actions would be taken to prevent, control and lighten the impact of the pandemic.

According to the decree, Gonzales will establish a committee for A(H1N1) flu pandemic in accordance with the General Law of Health.

"We think it is important to reactivate the emergency plan so we can carry out all the necessary preventive measures, both in communities and house by house," Gonzalez said.

"Among the patients with risk factors are pregnant women, obese people, asthmatics, diabetics, people with chronic lung diseases, patients with cancer and HIV," he added.

There have been 821 infection cases, including four deaths in the country, according to the latest report by the Health Ministry on Wednesday.

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