Lockdown ends, married life begins
Published: Apr 10, 2020 03:18 PM

Illustration: Luo Xuan/GT

People in Wuhan celebrated in a variety of ways on Wednesday after the city lifted its unprecedented 76-day lockdown to control the COVID-19 epidemic. Some people went for a meal at a restaurant, or did some shopping, but 117 of couples made it a date to remember by getting married, the Wuhan's civil affairs bureau reported. "This day is particularly meaningful for us," said Zhao Wenshan, a groom who was at one of the city's marriage registration office as soon as it opened on Wednesday. According to Hubei Daily, only three couples at a time are allowed to enter a marriage registration office, which had plenty of sanitizers, paper towels and other protective equipment. Choosing the day the city's quarantine was lifted - April 8 - to get married will likely be an often repeated story the couples will tell the rest of their married life.