Schools reopen, Chinese parents rejoice
Published: May 15, 2020 08:48 PM

Illustration: Luo Xuan/GT

"Our little monkeys will finally return to their 'cage'!" This has been a popular line Chinese parents have posted on social media recently. With the novel coronavirus being effectively curbed in China, schools in many provinces have gradually resumed classes, or are about to do so. This is delightful news for Chinese parents. It ends days of struggle with their wild children at home. Due to COVID-19, the past winter holiday was supposed to be one-month long, but it dragged on for four. It drove parents nuts. Obviously, quite a few naughty children often interrupt their parents' work. Their rooms are as messy as crime scenes - compounding chores for parents and making work from home experiences a real nightmare. But while Chinese parents now feel a rush of relief over class resumption, they also need to keep a vigilant eye on their wild children to ensure they follow hygiene and preventive measures while at school.