Eating shows regurgitate bad internet habits
Published: Aug 14, 2020 06:33 PM

Illustrations: Xia Qing/GT

Over the past few years, the term "eating show" has become a popular term on many live-streaming sites. While the concept of eating fancy food with expressions of satisfaction and enjoyment catches people's eyes, some extremely bad phenomena have followed. Some of the hosts eat in front of screens and then vomited back out behind the scenes. This not only wastes large amounts of food, but also fools audiences. Are they really promoting food culture or just doing it for popularity and money? Statistics of the UN food and Agriculture Organization show that there are 1.3 billion tons of food wasted every year. Meanwhile, nearly 820 million people still face starvation. In short, we have to pay more attention to food security issues. The impact of the world pandemic this year is another wake-up call. The original intention of eating shows should be adhered to - sharing different experiences and understandings of eating and promoting healthy eating habits and ideas. Live-streaming platforms and video websites should promote stricter regulations and supervision over online eating shows. There should also be calls on audiences to make good habits of treasuring the food.