New wedding boom
Published: Oct 09, 2020 04:28 PM

Illustration: Xia Qing/GT

The just concluded National Day holiday witnessed the first and the biggest wedding boom in China this year. Given the novel coronavirus epidemic, a large number of young people who decided to get married earlier this year postponed the date of their ceremony. They instead decided to settle this one of the most important days in life during the holiday. Some netizens noted that they spent almost half of their holiday attending wedding ceremonies. Others claimed that popular venues, personnel who do bridal makeup and wedding hosts were suddenly incredibly hard to book. But for newlyweds, these difficulties were no obstacles at all. They finally had their ceremonies and understand better the meaning of "I do" and keeping their word. This peak wedding season vividly mirrors Chinese people's strength and optimism facing hard times as well as how Chinese society recovered from the epidemic.