Learning Chinese
Published: Nov 18, 2020 05:08 PM
Chat attack

cold-chain food (imported frozen food)/ 冷链食品
/ (lěnɡliànshípǐn)

A: Don't you plan to go to the supermarket? Why haven't you set off yet?


(nǐbùshì dǎsuàn qùchāoshìma? zěnme háiméi chūfā?)

B: Before leaving, I need to check how to shop cold-chain food in a safer way.

出发前, 我先查一下冷链食品怎么买更安全。

(chūfāqián, wǒxiān cháyíxià lěnɡliànshípǐn zěnmemǎi ɡènɡ ānquán.)

A: When shopping, you go to regulated supermarkets and markets, right?


(xuǎnɡòushí yàoqù zhènɡɡuī chāoshì, shìchǎnɡba?)

B: Correct. You also need to check the food origin, source, and imported food quarantine information carefully.

对, 你还需要仔细看清楚食品产地、来源、进口食品检疫信息。

(duì, nǐháixūyào zǐxì kànqīnɡchǔ shípǐn chǎndì, láiyuán, jìnkǒu shípǐn jiǎnyìxìnxī.)

A: You have to wear a mask properly when you go shopping. 


(xuǎnɡòushí xūyào zhènɡquè pèidài kǒuzhào.)

B: Besides, you also need to avoid touching the surface of food with your bare hands. Wash your hands with soap or hand sanitizer immediately after shopping. When family members dine together, use serving chopsticks and spoons.

另外, 需要避免徒手接触食品表面。购物后及时用肥皂或者洗手液清洗双手。全家就餐时, 使用公筷、公勺。

(lìnɡwài, xūyào bìmiǎn túshǒu jiēchù shípǐn biǎomiàn. ɡòuwùhòu jíshí yònɡféizào huòzhě xǐshǒuyè qīnɡxǐ shuānɡshǒu. quánjiā jiùcānshí, shǐyònɡ ɡōnɡkuài, ɡōnɡsháo.)

Illustration: Liu Xidan/GT