Learning Chinese
Published: Dec 20, 2020 05:43 PM
Chat attack

earthworm/ 蚯蚓
/ (qiūyǐn)

A: I never imagined that a college graduate could get rich by starting a business raising earthworms.

真想不到, 大学毕业生创业养殖蚯蚓也能致富。

(zhēnxiǎnɡbúdào, dàxué bìyèshēnɡ chuànɡyè yǎnɡzhí qiūyǐn yěnénɡ zhìfù.)

B: Breeding earthworms? Are you sure?


(yǎnɡzhí qiūyǐn? nǐquèdìnɡma?)

A: A female college student from Xichang, Sichuan Province quit her job and returned to her hometown to start her own business. She built an "earthworm factory" to breed hundreds of millions of earthworms. 

四川省西昌市的女大学生辞职回乡创业, 她建了一座"蚯蚓工厂", 养殖上亿条蚯蚓。

(sìchuānshěnɡ xīchānɡshìde nǚdàxuéshēnɡ cízhí huíxiānɡ chuànɡyè, tājiànle yízuò qiūyǐnɡōnɡchǎnɡ, yǎnɡzhí shànɡyìtiáo qiūyǐn.)

B: The costs must be fairly high, right? 


(chénɡběn hěn ɡāoba?)

A: Earthworms eat nearly 100 tons of "trash" every day, and the worm manure produced is being used to grow pomegranates, blueberries, grapes and peppers. 

它们每天要吃掉近百吨"垃圾", 生产出的蚯蚓粪已经用来种植石榴、蓝莓、葡萄和辣椒。

(tāménměitiānyàochīdiàojìnbǎidūn lājī, shēnɡchǎnchūde qiūyǐnfèn yǐjīnɡ yònɡlái zhònɡzhíshíliu, lánméi, pútao hélàjiāo.)

B: I understand a little bit thanks to your elaboration. It turns out that her entrepreneurial project is environmentally friendly.


(nǐzhèmeshuō wǒjiù mínɡbaiyīxiēle. yuánlái tāde chuànɡyè xiànɡmù shìhuánbǎoxínɡde.)

Illustration: Liu Xidan/GT