Learning Chinese
Published: Jan 11, 2021 06:23 PM
Chat attack

slash youth - young people who juggle multiple career paths instead of focusing on one long-term career / 斜杠青年/ (xiéɡànɡ qīnɡnián)

A: Have you heard an old Chinese saying that goes, "Do a job, love a job?" It means that no matter what people should dedicate themselves to their job, even if they aren't very satisfied with it.

你听过中国有一句老话叫做 "干一行爱一行"吗?指一个人无论如何都会献身于工作,即使自己对工作不是特别满意。

(nǐ tīnɡɡuò zhōnɡɡuó yǒu yījù lǎohuà jiàozuò "ɡànyīhanɡàiyīhanɡ"ma?zhǐ yīɡèrén wúlùnrúhé dōuhuì xiànshēn yú ɡōnɡzuò, jíshǐ zìjǐ duì ɡōnɡzuò bùshì tèbié mǎnyì.)

B: Then have you heard another saying that goes, "love a job, do a job?" It means that people should find a job the love and then throw themselves in it and dedicate themselves to it.


(nà nǐ tīnɡɡuò yǒu lìnɡyīzhǒnɡ shuōfǎ jiào"àiyīhanɡɡànyīhanɡ"ma?zhǐ yīɡèrén yīnɡ xuǎnzé yīfèn rèài de ɡōnɡzuò, bìnɡ wéicǐ tóurù hé xiànshēn.)

A: Nowadays, a lot of people have turned their hobbies into jobs. They become slash youths in order to support their dreams. 


(xiànzài yǒu ɡènɡduōde rén bǎ zìjǐ de àihǎo zhuǎnhuà wéi ɡōnɡzuò, qù zuò xiéɡànɡ qīnɡnián qù zhīchí zìjǐ de lǐxiǎnɡ. )

B: I really admire those people who work hard in jobs they still don't like very much. They really show the true dedication. 


(wǒ fēichánɡ jìnɡpèi nàxiē nénɡzài zìjǐ bùxǐhuān de ɡōnɡzuò ɡǎnɡwèi shànɡ rénɡ nǔlìfùchū de rén.tāmén hěn yǒu fènɡxiàn jīnɡshén.)

Illustrations: Liu Xidan/GT