Published: Mar 10, 2021 06:23 PM
Happy birthday: 

Trouble will come knocking at your door today. Do not be afraid to admit it if you find yourself overwhelmed. No one will look down on you for reaching out for a helping hand. Only time will tell if an investment will bear fruit. Your lucky numbers: 0, 6, 7, 12, 18.                                         

Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20)

You may have to act the diplomat today. It will take time and effort to get people to agree, so don't give up as soon as you meet resistance. A friend will invite you out for a night on the town. ✭✭✭     

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 19)

Don't be afraid to express your ideas and opinions. If you do,  what you come up with may even surprise yourself. Your financial luck is on the rise. ✭✭✭✭ 

Taurus (Apr 20 - May 20)

Listen and observe, before you come to any conclusions. Pointing out the potential risks that others haven't noticed will help you get ahead at work. ✭✭✭✭ 

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 20)

Taking the safe path may keep you out of trouble, but may lead you to lose out over the long-term. If you want to get ahead, you will have to take some risks. ✭✭✭  


Cancer (Jun 21 - Jul 22)

You should jump at any chance to show off your talent, skills and expertise. Those above you have a position that needs filling, and you could be the one they choose if you play your cards right. Green will be your lucky color. ✭✭✭      

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 22)

Impulsive decisions are sure to throw your plans into disarray. Strive for stability in your life when it comes to relationships and work. Keep your distance from those who love drama, or you may find yourself caught up in their problems. ✭✭✭✭     


Virgo (Aug 23 - Sep 22) 

Legal, financial and business issues will be a breeze so long as you do not allow yourself to be distracted by unrelated pursuits. A family issue may end up making life very difficult for you and yours over the next few days.  ✭✭✭   

Libra (Sep 23 - Oct 22)

Change is on the horizon. Do not let uncertainty cause you to drag your feet or you may end up having a rough time adapting to things. ✭✭✭✭        

Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)

Make sure you stay close to those you trust today, as they will be your greatest allies when it comes to accomplishing your goals. A major moneymaking opportunity is within reach. ✭✭✭✭   

Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)

Someone may try guilt you into doing something. Do not allow yourself to be manipulated. Personal changes will open the door to some amazing opportunities. ✭✭✭   

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)

Your ambition to reach the top is admirable, but do not forget to focus on the here and now as well. A better financial future is just within reach. ✭✭✭   

Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)

Speak your mind today, but do not force your opinion on others. You will be able to learn a lot by listening to people who are more experienced than yourself. ✭✭✭     


5: Head for Macao! 

4: Ye gods! The planets align!

3: Things are looking up.

2: Don't bet on things working out.

1: Watch out for black cats and ladders.