Learning Chinese
Published: Aug 25, 2021 05:38 PM
Chat attack

heavy workload/ 负担过重/ (fùdān ɡuòzhònɡ)

A: In recent years, the heavy workload among primary school students has been a topic the entire nation has been paying attention to.


(jìnniánlái, xiǎoxuéshēnɡ fùdān ɡuòzhònɡ yīzhí shì quánɡuó ɡuānzhù de huàtí.)

B: Yup. Especially during vacation time. They have a lot of homework and have to cram schools. 


(méicuò.yóuqí shì fànɡjiǎ de shíhòu, ɡōnɡkè duō, háiyào shànɡ bǔkè bān.)

A: But in fact, too heavy a study burden can limit students' creativity and damage their health.


(dàn qíshí ɡuòzhònɡde xuéxí fùdān kěnénɡhuì júxiàn yìzhìle xuéshēnɡ de chuànɡxīnlì, sǔnhài shēnxīn jiànkānɡ.)

B: I think we should respect children's wishes. A lot of Chinese parents have started paying attention to the subject of lessening kids pressure. 


(wǒ rènwéi háishì yīnɡɡāi zūnzhònɡ háizǐ de yìyuàn.hěnduō zhōnɡɡuó jiāzhánɡ yǐjīnɡ zhùyì dào ɡěi háizǐ jiǎnyā de wèntí le.)

A: Yup. You can have kids take some special interest classes or let them learn about something they find interesting in order to increase their proclivity toward learning. It is a better idea to do that. 


(shìde, nǐ kěyǐ rànɡ háizǐ shànɡ xīnɡqùbān, xuéxí yīxiē zìjǐ ɡǎnxīnɡqù de shì, rànɡ tāmén tíɡāo duì xuéxíde jījíxìnɡ.zhèyànɡde zuòfǎ duì tāmén láishuō bǐjiào hǎo.)

Photo/Illustration: Liu Xidan/GT

Photo/Illustration: Liu Xidan/GT