China, Russia sign road transport deal in boost for bilateral energy trade
Published: Oct 19, 2021 04:08 PM
China Russia Photo: VCG

China Russia Photo: VCG

China has signed an agreement with Russia on road transportation of dangerous goods, which will effectively boost bilateral trade in energy products, including liquefied petroleum gas and natural gas, according to a statement released by the Chinese Ministry of Transport (MOT) on Tuesday.

This is the first document that China signed with a foreign country on the international road transportation of dangerous goods, which will help stimulate the vitality of the road transport market between Russia and China and promote bilateral economic and trade cooperation for a wide-range of chemicals and energy sources, the MOT said in the statement.

The statement added that the ministry will further step up efforts to eliminate the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, in order to ensure the smooth transportation of goods, including dangerous goods, between Russia and China, and guarantee stable energy supply and security.

At a time when many parts of the world face energy shortages, the agreement shows that China and Russian have strengthened bilateral cooperation on energy security, analysts said.

Global Times