Learning Chinese
Published: Nov 11, 2021 06:38 PM
Chat attack

martial arts/ 武侠 / (wǔxiá)

A: I remember you once telling me that martial arts movies were your favorite.


(wǒ jìdé nǐ cénɡjīnɡ ɡàosù wǒ, wǔxiá diànyǐnɡ shì nǐde zuìài.)

B: Yup. I don't just like martial arts movies, when I was young I had a martial arts dream.


(shìde, wǒ bùjǐn xǐhuān wǔxiá diànyǐnɡ, wǒ xiǎoshíhòu hái yǒu yīɡè wǔxiá mènɡ ne.)

A: So you must know that recently a 53-year-old woman had the same dream as you and that she is still working hard on achieving her martial arts dream. 

那你知道吗? 最近有一个53岁的大姐和你有同样的梦想,而且她仍在为自己的武侠梦努力着。

(nà nǐ zhīdào ma? zuìjìn yǒu yīɡè 53 suì de dàjiě hénǐ yǒu tónɡyànɡ de mènɡxiǎnɡ, érqiě tā rénɡzài wéi zìjǐde wǔxiá mènɡ nǔlì zhe.)

B: Really? What is she doing? 

是吗? 她都做了什么呢?

(shìma? tā dōu zuòle shenme ne?)

A: She has continued training martial arts, flipping, standing upside-down and reading a lot of martial arts novels every day. 


(tā měitiān dōu huì jiānchí liànxí wǔshù, kōnɡfān, dǎolì, bìnɡqiě dú hěnduō wǔxiá xiǎoshuō.)

B: I feel she has a lot of willpower. 


(wǒ ɡǎnjué tā hěnyǒu yìlì.)

Illustration: Tang Tengfei/GT

Illustration: Tang Tengfei/GT