Learning Chinese
Published: Dec 15, 2021 08:18 PM
Chat attack

gift box/ 礼盒 / (lǐ hé)

A:  I bought a cosmetics gift box today and ended up disappointed. 


(wǒ jīntiān mǎile yīɡè huàzhuānɡpǐn lǐhé, wǒ ɡǎndào hěn shīwànɡ.)

B: Why? You really do look disappointed and not very happy.  

为什么呢?你的确看起来有些失望, 不太开心。

(wéi shenme ne?nǐ diquè kànqǐlái yǒuxiē shīwànɡ, bùtài kāixīn.)

A: Before I bought this gift box, I didn't know what was in it, but the box was expensive so I had high hopes. But after I opened it, I discovered it wasn't worth the price tag.  


(mǎi zhèɡè lǐhé qián wǒ bùzhīdào lǐmiàn shì shenme, jíbiàn ánɡɡuì wǒ yě fēichánɡ qīdài.dàn dǎkāi hòu wǒ fāxiàn tā ɡēnběn jiù bù zhí tā de biāojià.)

B: This reminds me of a Christmas gift box promoted by a luxury brand. Because the quality of the product didn't match the price, consumers reported it. 


(nǐ zhème yīshuō, rànɡwǒ xiǎnɡdào zuìjìn yǒu yīɡè shēchǐpǐn pǐnpái tuīchūde shènɡdàn lǐhé yě yīnwéi chǎnpǐn zhìliànɡ yǔ jiàɡé bùfú, érbèi xiāofèizhě tóusù.)

A: Yeah, I've heard about this news. As a consumer, I'm going to apply to have my rights protected.


(shìde, wǒyě zhīdào zhèɡè xīnwén.zuòwéi xiāofèizhěde wǒ yěhuì yīdìnɡ qù shēnqǐnɡ wéiquán de.)

B: I think you can bring it back to store for a refund.


(wǒ rènwéi nǐ yīnɡɡāi bǎtā tuìhuí diànlǐ.)

Illustration: Liu Xidan/GT

Illustration: Liu Xidan/GT