Learning Chinese
Published: Jan 19, 2022 07:59 PM
Chat attack

occupational habit /职业习惯 / 

(zhíyè xíɡuàn)

A: I heard that you're a doctor. Are there any occupational habits in your field? 


(tīnɡshuō nǐshì yīshēnɡ, zài nǐ de hangyèlǐ yǒu shenme zhíyè xíɡuàn ma?)

B: I'm a surgeon, so doing this job over a long time has made me very careful and patient.  


(wǒshì yīmínɡ wàikē yīshēnɡ, chánɡqī zuò zhèfèn ɡōnɡzuò rànɡwǒ biàndé fēichánɡ xìxīn hé naixīn.)

A: I think medical workers are universally patient and good at helping others. These virtues can't be seperated from the occupational habits of doctors.  


(wǒ rènwéi yīwù ɡōnɡzuòzhě pǔbiàn dōu fēichánɡ naixīn, bìnɡqiě shànyú bānɡzhù tārén, zhèxiē yōudiǎn hé yīshēnɡ de zhíyè xíɡuàn fēnbùkāi.)

B: Speaking of this subject, It reminds me of a news report. A firefighter was eating in a restaurant and because he didn't forget his professional responsibilities he was observing the whole place. While paying the bill, he left a note on which was clearly written the possible dangers that were in the restaurant. 


(tándào zhèɡè huàtí, wǒ xiǎnɡqǐ yīzé xīnwén.yīwèi xiāofánɡyuán zài cānɡuǎn chīfàn de shíhòu, bùwànɡ zìjǐ de zhíyè zérèn, rénɡ sìchǔ ɡuānchá, zài jiézhànɡ shí ɡěi lǎobǎn liúle yīzhānɡ zhǐtiáo, shànɡmiàn qīnɡchǔde xiězhe cānɡuǎn kěnénɡ cúnzài de ānquán yǐnhuàn.)

A: He is such a responsible firefighter. 


(tā zhēnshìɡè yǒu zérènxīn de xiāofánɡyuán.)
Illustrations: Liu Xidan/GT

Illustrations: Liu Xidan/GT