Former CPPCC official expelled from Party for serious violations of discipline
Published: Mar 31, 2022 09:44 PM
Fu Zhenghua

Fu Zhenghua

Fu Zhenghua, a member of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and former deputy chairman of the social and legal affairs committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), was expelled from the CPC and dismissed from public office for serious violations of Party discipline and the law, China's top anti-corruption authorities announced on Thursday.

The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) and National Supervisory Commission previously launched an investigation into Fu's violations of discipline with the approval of the Central Committee of the CPC.

The investigation showed that Fu took advantage of his position to seek benefits for others and illegally accepted a huge amount of property. Fu also violated gun control regulations, illegally possessed guns, and engaged in superstitious activities.

Fu did not stay true to the Party's ideals and faith, displayed "extremely inflated political ambition and very poor political integrity," issued groundless criticism of the Party's policies, and deceived the central government on major issues, anti-corruption authorities said in the statement.

Besides, Fu also joined the political gang of Sun Lijun, former vice minister of public security, who was ousted and prosecuted in 2021 for bribery, stock market manipulation and illegal gun possession.

The illegal gangs manipulated by Sun and Fu unscrupulously cultivated personal followers and interest groups to achieve personal political gains, which seriously undermined the unity of the Party and endangered political security.

In addition to the punishment of dismissal from public office and party membership, Fu's illegal gains will also be confiscated, and his suspected crimes will be transferred to the judicial organs for further investigation and prosecution in accordance with the law, along with the property involved.