Learning Chinese
Published: Jul 24, 2022 06:39 PM
Chat attack

image macro / 表情包 / (biǎoqínɡbāo)

A: That emoji you just sent me was really interesting. 


(nǐ ɡānɡcái fāɡěiwǒ de nàɡè biǎoqínɡ túpiàn zhēn yǒuqù.)  

 B: I have a lot of this kind of image macros. I'll show them to you.  


(wǒ háiyǒu hǎoduō zhèyànɡde biǎoqínɡbāo, wǒ zhèjiù fāɡěinǐ kàn.)

A: What's an image macro?  


(shénme shì biǎoqínɡbāo?)

B: Image macros are interesting images, sometimes with text, used on social media platforms. They are used to express certain feelings.    


(biǎoqínɡbāo shì shèjiāo wǎnɡluò zhōnɡ yǒuqù de túpiàn, yǒushíhòu háihuì pèishànɡ wénzì, yònɡyǐ biǎodá tèdìnɡ de qínɡɡǎn.) 

A: When communicating with others on the internet, image macros really are a type of interesting and useful means of expression.   


(zài wǎnɡluò jiāoliú zhōnɡ, biǎoqínɡbāo zhēnshì yīzhǒnɡ yǒuqù yòu hǎoyònɡ de biǎodá fānɡshì.)

B: That's true. As a rising new trend in the internet era, the term "image macro" doesn't have a long history, but it has been quickly welcomed by netizens. It was included in the top 10 new words in Chinese media in 2016. 


(quèshí.zuòwéi hùliánwǎnɡ shídài xīnɡqǐ de xīn cháoliú, "biǎoqínɡbāo" zhèɡè cí de lìshǐ bìnɡ bùchánɡ, dàn què hěnkuài shòudào le wǎnɡmín de huānyínɡ.tā cénɡ rùxuǎn èrlínɡyīliù nián zhōnɡɡuó méitǐ shídà xīncí.)

Illustration:Liu Xidan/GT

Illustration:Liu Xidan/GT