Learning Chinese
Published: Sep 05, 2022 08:35 PM
Chat attack

act bravely to do what is right 

/ 见义勇为 / (jiànyìyǒnɡwéi)

A: I heard that "Nanjing Fat Brother" is getting married. I'm really happy for him.  


(wǒ tīnɡshuō "nánjīnɡ pànɡɡē" yào jiéhūn lā.wǒ zhēn wéitā ɡǎndào ɡāoxīnɡ.)

B: Who is "Nanjing Fat Brother?"


(shuíshì "nánjīnɡ pànɡɡē" ?)

A: He is a Nanjing resident who acts bravely to do what is right. He was stabbed three times last year because he tried to stop some gangsters. He had to undergo surgery twice due to it.  


(tāshì yīmínɡ jiànyì yǒnɡwéi de nánjīnɡ shìmín, qùnián yīnwéi zhìzhǐ dǎitú shēnzhōnɡ sāndāo.tā yīncǐ jìnxínɡle liǎnɡcì shǒushù.)  

B: So what about his girlfriend? It must have been hard for her to have her partner hurt like this.   

那他的女友呢?伴侣伤成这样, 她一定也很不好受。

(nà tāde nǚyǒu ne? bànlǚ shānɡchénɡ zhèyànɡ, tā yīdìnɡ yě hěnbù hǎoshòu.) 

A: His girlfriend has stayed by his side this whole time. She never left him. She even quit her job to take care of him. Now that "Nanjing Fat Brother" has recovered, he has asked his girlfriend to marry him. 

他的女友一直陪伴在他身旁, 不离不弃。她甚至为了照料他辞去了工作。现在"南京胖哥"已经完全康复并且成功向女友求婚了。

(tāde nǚyǒu yīzhí péibàn zàitā shēnpánɡ, bùlíbùqì.tā shènzhì wéile zhàoliào tā cíqùle ɡōnɡzuò.xiànzài "nánjīnɡ pànɡɡē" yǐjīnɡ wánquán kānɡfù bìnɡqiě chénɡɡōnɡ xiànɡ nǚyǒu qiúhūn le.) 

B: It's good to see that such a courageous hero hasn't been disappointed by life. 


(kàndào jiànyìyǒnɡwéi de yīnɡxiónɡ méiyǒu bèi shēnɡhuó ɡūfù zhēnshì tàihǎole.)
Illustration: Xia Qing/Global Times

Illustration: Xia Qing/Global Times