Learning Chinese
Published: Oct 08, 2022 06:53 PM
Illustrations:Chen Xia/GT

Illustrations:Chen Xia/GT

Movie lines

The Lost City / 《迷失之城》(míshīzhīchénɡ)

1. Only a fool would choose a horse by its color. 


(zhīyǒu shǎɡuā cáihuì yǐmào qǔrén.)

2. It's Latin. It means "its sweeter after difficulty." 


(zhèshì lādīnɡyǔ, tāde yìsī shì"xiānkǔ hòutián".)

3. How could I be embarrassed by something that makes so many people happy? 


(rànɡ zhèmeduō rén kāixīn de shì zěnme huì rànɡwǒ nánkān ne?)

4. It's the very first time I've never seen you totally unafraid and alive. 


(zhèshì dìyīcì wǒ kàndào nǐ rúcǐ wúsuǒ wèijù bìnɡqiě chōnɡmǎn huólì.)

5. My skill is sitting and thinking and eating when I can't think. 


(wǒde jìnénɡ jiùshì zài wúfǎ sīkǎo de shíhòu zuòzhe chīdiǎn dōnɡxī, ránhòu xiǎnɡxiǎnɡ shìqínɡ.)

6. I think a woman can do things a man can do. 


(nánrén nénɡ zuòdeshì, nǚrén yěnénɡ zuò.)

7. I was so afraid of being hurt by life again that I just stopped living. I couldn't see the good things in front of me. 


(wǒ hàipà zàicì bèi shēnɡhuó shānɡhài, suǒyǐ wǒ wànɡle rúhé qù shēnɡhuó.nà rànɡwǒ kànbùdào yǎnqián rènhé měihǎo de shìwù.)

8. Platonic? I like the sound of that. Not Sure what that means but I like the sound of it.


(boilātúshì de ma? zhè tīnɡqǐlái bùcuò.wǒ bùzhīdào zhèshì shenme yìsī, dàn wǒ xǐhuān zhèɡè mínɡzì.)