Culture Beat: Freshmen take on literati journey
Published: Sep 04, 2023 10:44 PM
Art and media freshmen explore the National Museum of China. Photo: Courtesy of Beijing Normal University

Art and media freshmen explore the National Museum of China. Photo: Courtesy of Beijing Normal University

A total of 160 art and media freshmen from Beijing Normal University joined their University First Lesson activity on Friday at the National Museum of China. 

Zhen Wei, vice dean of the School of Arts and Communication, and art and media lecturer Fa Sutian respectively taught ancient Chinese traditional painting and calligraphy courses to the students.

The students enjoyed a tour of many classic works in the Cultivating Classics of the Flourishing Age-Great Series of Chinese Paintings in Past Dynasties Exhibition, and learned about the rich achievements and cultural history of Chinese fine arts and calligraphy.

"Choosing the National Museum for the first lesson can better help students realize the continuity and innovation of Chinese civilization, and feel and analyze the emotions and values conveyed by real and specific literary and artistic works," said Zhen, adding that such an activity is more vivid and perceptible than sticking simply to books and papers.

"Chinese culture has a long history. Through classic works of Chinese art, we can see the life experience and spiritual journey of literati. Whether it is a sentence or a letter, we can travel through the long river of history," said Fa.