‘Industrial cooperation across Taiwan Straits benefits both sides,’ as TSMC anticipates chip tool waiver from US
Published: Oct 25, 2023 01:05 PM
Production of semiconductor chip File photo: VCG

Production of semiconductor chip File photo: VCG

Industrial cooperation between the Chinese mainland and the Taiwan island is beneficial for business development and the well-being of people on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, and no external interference should be tolerated, said Zhu Fenglian, spokesperson for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, responding to media reports claiming that TSMC expects permanent US approval to supply chip tools to a TSMC's factory in the mainland.

"We will continue to improve policies that benefit Taiwan compatriots and businesses. Efforts will be made to let Taiwan businesses equally enjoy the mainland's industrial policies and development dividends, and help them integrate with the new development patterns to achieve high-quality growth," Zhu said at a regular press briefing on Wednesday.

Zhu said that economic and trade cooperation between the mainland and Taiwan has strong internal momentum, and "we have full confidence that there is vast room for promoting bilateral economic cooperation to a larger scope and deeper levels."

She pointed out that since the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) came into effect in 2010, it has delivered tangible benefits to industries on both sides of the Straits, especially industries and communities in the island.

Trade between the mainland and the island doubled from $145.37 billion in 2010 to $319.68 billion as of the end of 2022. 

As of the end of June, the island had enjoyed a total of $8.8 billion worth of preferential duties in goods trade under the ECFA, official data showed.

The agreement has also helped increase Taiwan products' market shares in the mainland, deepen economic and trade cooperation, and enhance the island's competitiveness, she said, noting that the ECFA is a good agreement for the benefit of Taiwan compatriots.

After South Korea's Samsung and SK Hynix were allowed to supply US chipmaking equipment to their plants in China indefinitely without further approval from the US government, TSMC recently said it has received a waiver from the Biden administration to supply US equipment to the company's factory in the mainland.

Recently, TSMC said it expects to receive permission from the US to supply its plant in the Chinese mainland with US chipmaking tools indefinitely, Reuters reported.

Global Times