Woman drives herself through 13 countries to promote traditional Hanfu
Published: Nov 09, 2023 04:17 PM
Woman drives herself through 13 countries to promote traditional <em>Hanfu</em>. Photo: screenshot from Xianwenyi

Woman drives herself through 13 countries to promote traditional Hanfu. Photo: screenshot from Xianwenyi

A woman surnamed Yang from Xinxiang, Central China's Henan Province, drove to Asia, Europe, and Africa dressing in Hanfu for three months to promote Chinese traditional culture, according to media reports.

Yang worked as a Chinese teacher in Pakistan last year and felt the need to do something positive after returning to China. So she specifically learned how to dress in Hanfu and started her global self-driving journey. She pasted the words "China at your doorstep" on her car, hoping to make more people to understand China. 

From August to November this year, Yang traveled through 13 countries and introduced Chinese culture to the people she met. "I wear my country's traditional costumes for foreigners to see, and they are very interested in it, so I tell them about Chinese history, as well as Chinese tea art, opera, and calligraphy," she said.

According to Yang, she met a Polish mother and daughter at the Palace of Versailles, and the mother was excited and kept crying upon seeing Yang. The mother said she knew it was Chinese clothing and was lucky to meet a girl wearing Hanfu

"I believe that as long as individuals like us keep working hard, Chinese culture will be experienced by more people in the world," Yang said.