Culture Beat: TV series tells story of medical aid in Africa
Published: Nov 28, 2023 10:58 PM
Photo: Courtesy of Douban

Photo: Courtesy of Douban

A new TV series about China's efforts to provide medical aid in Africa has been well-received among audiences. Coproduced by studios including Perfect World, the series Welcome to Milele, which is being aired on various TV stations and Chinese streaming site Youku, stars a team of A-listed actors, ranging from Jin Dong and Zu Feng to Zhang Yuqi. 

It has been 60 years since China sent its first medical team to Algeria in 1963. Generations of Chinese professionals have been tirelessly saving numerous lives on the African continent far from their homeland. Their stories remain unknown to many.

The series not only tells how they used their professional medical skills to save locals, but also focuses on their efforts in winning trust and building friendship with local African people. The first episodes have raised the audiences' interest and won their hearts by showing why these doctors traveled thousands of miles to help people they don't know.