State security organs intensify efforts to combat subversion, espionage related to China’s Taiwan island
Published: Jan 17, 2024 11:26 AM
Chinese Ministry of State Security

Chinese Ministry of State Security

China's state security organs continue to intensify efforts to combat subversion, espionage, and separatist activities related to China's Taiwan island, and will based on the rule of law, prevent, stop, and punish the infiltration, sabotage activities of hostile forces, China's Ministry of State Security said in an article published on Wednesday.

State security authorities will resolutely crack down on "Taiwan independence" separatist activities and external interference, supporting for China's cause of national reunification, and firmly safeguarding the building of a strong country and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the ministry said.

The result of the leadership election in the island can't change the fundamental framework and direction of cross-Straits relations. It can't change the common desire of compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits to get closer and become more united, and it can't hinder the general trend that China will eventually achieve complete reunification and Taiwan will return to the embrace of the motherland, the ministry said in the article.

In response to the infiltration activities of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authorities, the national security organs have implemented special operations during recent years, which have successfully cracked down on hundreds of cases related to espionage activities, captured a batch of spies, and dismantled several intelligence networks established by the island relevant departments against the mainland, according to the ministry.

Before the regional leadership election in China's Taiwan island, its relevant intelligence departments have once again acted as pawns for the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces, hyping about the mainland "interfering" in the regional election, becoming a tool for the "Taiwan independence" forces to suppress dissent and hinder cooperation across the Taiwan Straits, said the ministry.

On August 3, 2022, for the first time, the state security organs pursued criminal responsibility for a "Taiwan independence" element on suspicion of the crimes of secession and incitement to secession in accordance with the law, effectively deterring "Taiwan independence" and external interference forces, according to the ministry.

The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council announced punishments on organizations related to die-hard elements seeking "Taiwan independence" in August 2022.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on January 14 that the result of the leadership election in the island can't change the basic fact that there is only one China in the world and Taiwan is part of China. The outcome also won't change the prevailing consensus of the international community on adhering to the one-China principle, he said.

Global Times