Learning Chinese

Source: Global Times Published: 2020/9/21 17:18:40

Chat attack

first aid/ 急救/ (jíjiù)

A: How come your WeChat Moments for the past two days have all been first aid related knowledge? 


(nǐzhèliǎnɡtiānde pénɡyǒuquān zěnme quándōushì jíjiù xiānɡɡuānde zhīshí?) 

B: I am collecting this kind of knowledge. Be prepared and you won't be sorry.

我在收集这大类知识, 有备无患。

(wǒzàishōují zhèdàlèi zhīshí, yǒubèiwúhuàn.) 

A: Ever since I watched a video of a choking man being rescued by an employee at a hot pot restaurant, I have also felt that I need to brush up on these skills.


(zìcónɡ kànle nánzǐ chīhuǒɡuō bèiqiànɡ diànyuán shījiùde shìpín, wǒyějuédé xūyào èbǔ yíxià zhèfānɡmiànde jìnénɡ.) 

B: I also watched that video too. A customer surnamed Ye in Wuhan accidentally choked while eating hot pot. Thanks to an employee who used the Heimlich maneuver, Ye was saved. 

我也看了那段视频武汉有位叶先生吃火锅时不慎被呛。多亏有名店员采用"海姆立克急救法", 叶先生才转危为安。

(wǒyěkànle nàduàn shìpín wǔhàn yǒuwèi yèxiānshēnɡ chīhuǒɡuōshí búshèn bèiqiànɡ. duōkuī yǒumínɡ diànyuán cǎiyònɡ hǎimǔlìkèjíjiùfǎ, yèxiānshēnɡ cáizhuǎnwēiwéiān.) 

A: That employee is a team leader in the restaurant. He often watches first aid videos to learn on his own.

那位店员是店内领班, 他经常会看急救视频自学。

(nàwèi diànyuán shìdiànnèi lǐnɡbān, tājīnɡchánɡ huìkàn jíjiùshìpín zìxué.) 

B: It seems that actually one can learn a lot over fragments of time. 


(qíshí suìpiànhuàde shíjiān nénɡxuébùshǎo dōnɡxī.)

Illustration: Liu Xidan/GT


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