Learning Chinese

Source: Global Times Published: 2020/10/11 18:38:40

Chat attack

personal care/ 个人护理 / ɡèrén hùlǐ

A: Do you usually pay attention to oral hygiene?   


(nǐ pínɡsh ízhùyì kǒuqiānɡ qīnɡjié ma?)

B: I know that oral hygiene is very important, so I carefully brush my teeth and use mouthwash and a water flosser to maintain my oral hygiene.   


(wǒ zhīdào kǒuqiānɡ hùlǐ fēichánɡ zhònɡyào,yīncǐ měitiān dōu huì qínshuā yá, yònɡ shùkǒu shuǐ yǐjí xǐyáqì qù bǎochí kǒuqiānɡ wèishēnɡ.)

A: So you definitely know that you shouldn't use a hard toothbrush when brushing your teeth or brush horizontally as that will damage the surface of your teeth.   


(nànǐ yīdìnɡ zhīdào zài shuāyá de shíhòu bùyīnɡ ɡāi shǐyònɡ tàiyìnɡde shuātóu, huòzhě hénɡxiànɡ shuāyá, zhèyànɡ dōuhuì shānɡhài yáchǐ de biǎomiàn.)

B: Foods that are too sweet or sour will also cause cavities in your teeth, so you should control your intake by staying away from candy and such.   


(ɡuò tián huò zhě ɡuò suān de shíwù dōuhuì duì yáchǐ zàochénɡ fǔshí, yīncǐ yěyào kònɡzhì shèrù liànɡ. jìnliànɡ bìmiǎn duōchītánɡ.) 

A: Paying attention to personal care is really important. It can increase your feeling of happiness, right?   


(zhùzhònɡ ɡèrénhùlǐ fēichánɡzhònɡyào, nénɡ zēnɡtiān xìnɡfúɡǎn, duìbā ? ) 


Illustrations: Liu Xidan/GT



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