Central authorities support HK police in thoroughly investigating Civil Human Rights Front after it disbands
Published: Aug 15, 2021 11:12 PM
Rioters break items during a protest in September 2019 in Hong Kong. Photo: AFP

Rioters break items during a protest in September 2019 in Hong Kong. Photo: AFP

The Chinese central authorities support the Hong Kong police to thoroughly investigate the Civil Human Rights Front (CHRF) despite the organization had announced its disbandment on Sunday, They said that it is an inevitable result for the illegal organization to collapse, as it has been acting against the government and damaging Hong Kong's social interests for years. 

The Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in Hong Kong released a spokesperson's comment on its website on Sunday, saying that the CHRF never legally registered in Hong Kong, nor could it clarify where it had received financial support, its spending or its bank accounts.  

The illegal organization has been disrupting social stability in Hong Kong for years under the guise of "human rights, democracy and freedom," and it was found to be directly related to many illegal gatherings and violent confrontations that have taken place in Hong Kong since the city was restored  to China. 

Even though the CHRF has disbanded under the law and in the public's opinion, its nature of being "anti-government" and unrepentant can still be seen in its disbanding statement, which is full of lies.

For 19 years, it gathered all kinds of anti-government organizations, colluded with external forces to undermine the constitutional order of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), and dragged Hong Kong into the abyss of turmoil. 

It protested against Article 23 of the Basic Law, supported the illegal "Occupy Central" movement and the radical anti-extradition bill protests, unscrupulously organized illegal gatherings and turned them into arson, violent attacks on police and passers-by, and even was involved in the occupation of the Legislative Council. 

It also blatantly encouraged its members to use the CHRF to promote "Hong Kong secession" and incite riots, conspired with foreign anti-China groups, and wrote letters to the consulates general of many countries in Hong Kong to back anti-government forces.

What it claimed to be "lawful, peaceful and rational" was clearly the "source of chaos" in Hong Kong. 

The CHRF is an unregistered and outright illegal organization, and the "achievements" it recalled in its disbandment statement were actually a self-confessed "criminal record," the spokesperson for the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council said in a statement released on Sunday.

The organization was the direct organizer and commander of the protests against Article 23 in 2003, "Occupy Central" in 2014, and the anti-extradition bill movement in 2019. 

The CHRF announced its disbandment hastily as the organization knew that it had come to a dead end and was facing investigation by the Hong Kong police for violating the national security law for Hong Kong and many other local laws, the spokesperson said.

The spokesperson noted that the organization cannot escape its legal responsibility in accordance with the law, although it has announced its disbandment.

"We firmly support the law enforcement authorities of the HKSAR in investigating the suspected illegal activities of the CHRF and other organizations in disrupting China, and severely punishing their leaders and key members in accordance with the law," said the spokesperson.