Slim chance for US to form an ‘Anti-Chinese International’ with summit for democracy
Published: Nov 30, 2021 09:35 PM
Illustration: Chen Xia/GT

Illustration: Chen Xia/GT

US President Joe Biden is convening the summit for democracy on December 9 and 10 as the first-of-its kind gathering of more than 100 countries and regions, ostensibly "to help stop democratic backsliding and erosion of rights and freedoms worldwide." But only a blind person cannot see that this summit, first and foremost, aims at China, at its successful development, and at its "socialism with Chinese characteristics" model. This, in turn, is only a packaging for creation of several new trade and military blocs with the further aim of uniting them into a global chain for containment and encirclement of China. 

It is not the first time the US tries to contain the imagined "Chinese threat" "with a little help of my friends." Remember the Korean War of 1950-53 when troops of 15 nations were assembled to help the US Army. Remember the Vietnam War of 1965-73 with eight other nations sacrificing their soldiers. But those were regional wars and now Washington prepares to go global. This time the US hopes to form a sort of "Anti-Chinese International" just like Soviet Russia organized the global Communist International (Comintern) in 1919. At the same time Washington is reviving another ghost of the past - the new cold war, this time against China.

From a historical perspective these geo-political activities are doomed. It is doubtful that Biden and his Democrats have enough time to unite anti-Chinese forces into an efficient construct, even more so into a real fighting force. 

More and more countries are becoming frustrated with the obviously stumbling and unreliable leader of the "Free World." The Afghanistan fiasco reminded them once again that the American "paper tiger" can be defeated even with old rifles, and is always ready to abandon its clients.

Another important factor dooming the US machinations is that more and more countries are staking their current and future welfare on economic ties with China. It is obvious China will soon become the biggest economy in the world. It is already one of the biggest markets for developed countries, including the closest allies of the US. To take part in anti-Chinese economic sanctions or a full-scale Cold War means to risk millions of working places and billions in revenues.

Last but not least is the fact that Russia refuses to be lured into any form of anti-Chinese bloc. It is developing a strategic partnership with China and the two are close to forming a military-political alliance. Moscow is gradually distancing itself not only from strategic coexistence with the West, but even from Western moral values. Russia is self-searching for a new model of economic and spiritual development "with Russian characteristics." Traditional forms of social justice and democracy are becoming popular. For the time being Russia is happy with its present transitional ideology model called by President Vladimir Putin "Healthy Conservatism." 

Chances to form an effective "Anti-Chinese International" on the basis of Western democracy are looking pretty slim to me for several reasons. First of all, the decline of American democracy as the model for other nations is obvious. This process has continued for several decades now. This year, dubious results of the "democratic" elections again had split the US and resulted in an unprecedented storming of the Capitol. Outrageous pogroms by BLM mobs demonstrated the future of nations following the "multicultural" way. Lack of leadership and discipline nationwide caused an unbelievable mortality rate from the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore President Biden's initiative in holding the summit for democracy resembles a mistress of a brothel teaching morale to schoolgirls.

Beijing, on the other hand, does not try to teach democracy with Chinese characteristics to other peoples. At first glance democracy with Chinese characteristics looks as unusual as Chinese characters. There is no alphabet and there are no letters in Chinese but whole words written in the form of characters. Chinese democracy also operates not with individuals but with masses of people. 

China's political system today is as different from Western democracy as Chinese characters from Latin or Cyrillic alphabets. But it does not make this system inferior or less attractive. The Chinese call their political system "people-centered socialist democracy" and they have gained remarkable and globally eye-catching social and economic achievements. They have developed an efficient market economy, second biggest in the world. In the past 10 years they have rapidly improved the livelihood of Chinese people and eliminated poverty for the first time in human history. Per capita GDP as well as national GDP has doubled and the middle class is about 450 million people.

The Chinese political system for several decades has avoided populist radicalism. Despite incomes inequalities, vicious conflicts have been prevented among different social groups. Although Chinese people sometimes express opinions on the internet in a fierce manner, China's social governance has generally maintained order.

The Chinese call their political system "Whole-process people's democracy," and it is firmly based on local traditions and current realities. It looks as harmonious in the Chinese political landscape as a beautiful pagoda. To challenge it with a rather shaky and dilapidated Western skyscraper is not wise and may be even dangerous.

America and other participants of the summit for democracy are facing an uphill battle promoting their unfashionable brand of democracy. Attempting to construct an anti-Chinese and anti-Russian political bloc they are going to face a very dangerous perspective - to wage new cold war on two fronts at the same time.

The author is head of "Russian Dream-Chinese Dream" analytic center of the Izborsk Club. opinion@globaltimes.com.cn opinion@globaltimes.com.cn