Girl suffering from rare disease found to have two uteri
Published: Aug 21, 2022 06:03 PM
The 11-year-old girl suffering from rare disease found to have two uteri and cervixes is taking surgergy. Screenshot of Bailu Video

The 11-year-old girl suffering from rare disease found to have two uteri and cervixes is taking surgergy. Screenshot of Bailu Video

Have you ever felt the pain of dysmenorrhea? An 11-year-old girl surnamed Ze, from Beijing, has two menstrual periods. However, each time she cried nonstop because of the tremendous pain from dysmenorrhea. Her parents worried about her health and took her to the hospital, but surprised to find Ze had two uteri and two cervixes in her body. 

The local doctor first suggested Ze have a hysterectomy, but since she is too young, her family decided to take her to a better hospital for treatment. Ze was finally found to have uterus didelphys, double cervix, and pelvic lumps, which experts said the probability of having such a disease was as low as only 0.1 percent. If the disease is not properly diagnosed, the vagina and uterus might be cut off as a common pelvic cyst or abscess, which leads to complications and even loss of fertility. Thanks to the medical team's treatment and care, Ze had a successful surgery and shook off her dysmenorrhea troubles.

Some netizens expressed compassion for the little girl for suffering from doubling the pain of dysmenorrhea as she had two uteri, and others felt happy for her as she later met an experienced doctor and is free from pain now.