China lodges solemn representations regarding Japan strengthening export controls on chips manufacturing equipment
Published: Apr 03, 2023 06:31 PM
Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs

China has lodged solemn representations at different levels to Japan regarding the strengthening of export controls on high-performance semiconductor manufacturing equipment, the Chinese Foreign Ministry said on Monday.

The remarks came after the Japanese government said on Friday it plans to restrict export of some 23 types of semiconductor manufacturing equipment. The move is seen to be Japan aligning itself with the US technology curbs on China.

The Japanese side has repeatedly stated to China that the trade relations between the two countries are close, and that Japan is committed to promoting cooperation with China and will not adopt a "de-sinicization" approach, Mao Ning, spokesperson of the Foreign Ministry said on Monday. It is hoped that Japan should implement the above statement with practical actions, upholding an objective and fair position to maintain the stability of the global supply chain, and safeguarding the mutual benefit of China and Japan and their companies, Mao added. 

China is the largest semiconductor market in the world, and China's integrated circuit imports are nearly $600 billion per year. 

China is the largest export market for Japan's semiconductor industry, with annual exports to China exceeding $10 billion. The Chinese market accounts for one fourth of Japan's semiconductor equipment exports.

Japan's possible export control to China will not only affect the supply chain of the semiconductor industry in the region and even the world, but also cause Japanese companies to suffer losses, Mao added. 

It is hoped that Japan will make a prudent decision and not complicate the mutual trust between China and Japan. China will evaluate the impact of Japan's regulatory policies. If Japan artificially limits China-Japan cooperation in the semiconductor industry and seriously damages China's interests, China will not sit idly by and will respond resolutely, Mao added. 

The US used bullying to brutally suppress Japan's semiconductor industry, and now it is using the same tactics against China, Qin Gang, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister, said on Sunday, when meeting with Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs Yoshimasa Hayashi in Beijing on Sunday.

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you … The blockade will only further stimulate China's resolve for self-reliance," said Qin.

Global Times