China and Russia should uphold genuine multilateralism, promote multipolarity amid resurgence of unilateralism, hegemonism and confrontational blocs: Wang Yi
Published: Sep 19, 2023 12:12 PM Updated: Sep 19, 2023 12:10 PM
China Russia Photo: VCG

China Russia Photo: VCG

Both China and Russia adhere to independent foreign policies, and China and Russia should uphold genuine multilateralism, promote multipolarity in the world and advance global governance in a more fair and equitable direction in the face of the resurgence of unilateralism, hegemonism and confrontational blocs, China’s senior official Wang Yi, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs, said while meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in Moscow on September 18 local time. 

According to Wang, both China and Russia adhere to independent foreign policies, and their cooperation is neither targeting third parties, nor influenced by third parties, let alone subject to interference and provocation by any third party. As major world powers and permanent members of United Nations Security Council, China and Russia bear significant responsibilities for maintaining global strategic stability and promoting the global development and progress. 

In the face of the resurgence of unilateralism, hegemonism and confrontational blocs, China and Russia should align with the progressive trends of the times, demonstrate their roles as major powers and fulfill their international obligations, Wang noted, adding that through continuing strengthening their strategic cooperation, they should uphold genuine multilateralism, promote multipolarity in the world, and promote global governance in a more fair and equitable direction. 

Wang also noted that under the strategic guidance of the leaders of state, China-Russia relations have maintained a healthy and stable development momentum, with practical cooperation deepening continuously, cultural exchanges diversified, and people-to-people interactions rapidly growing, adding that a permanent friendly and mutually beneficial China-Russia relationship with comprehensive and strategic cooperation will continue to contribute to the respective development and revitalization of both countries, bringing significant benefits to the people of both nations. 

Lavrov said that Russia is willing to work with China to prepare for the next high-level exchanges between the two countries, strengthen the alignment of development planning, and deepen cooperation in various fields such as economic and trade, culture, sports and youth exchanges. 

In response to the complex and drastic changes in the international situation, Russia and China aim to further enhance coordination and cooperation within multilateral frameworks such as the United Nations and the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, jointly uphold the basic norms of international relations. 

Moreover, both sides highly appreciated the historic expansion of the BRICS group and expressed willingness to work together with all member countries to create a “larger BRICS” platform that is characterized by unity, cooperation and shared development. 

Lavrov said that Russia, as the rotating chair of BRICS, will work together with China to promote the further development of the BRICS cooperation mechanism. 

Lavrov outlined his views on the Ukraine crisis and praised China's position paper for taking into account the security concerns of all parties, which is conducive to eliminating the root causes of the conflict. Russia will continue to maintain an open attitude toward negotiations and dialogue. Wang stated that China has always adhered to the correct direction of negotiations and will play a constructive role in the political resolution of the crisis in its own way.

Global Times