The "Shared Journey of Friendship" US Youth Exchange Delegation's visit to Shanghai is coming to an end, and a China-US shared journey of friendship youth exchange event was held in Shanghai on Friday, where Chinese and American students exchanged their observations and feelings, as well as putting on performances.
By GT staff reporters | 2024/7/13 0:40:21
  • Manila urged to stop abusing arbitration, disrupting South China Sea

    Despite the fallacies of the illegal South China Sea Arbitration Award released on July 12, 2016 being exposed, the Philippines continues to ignore the truth and instead celebrated the so-called "8th anniversary"of the illegal arbitration award with Western allies on Friday. Analysts called it a "political show" that is simply a way to perpetuate the "China threat" rhetoric and manipulate international perception in order to constrain China on the South China Sea issue.

    By Hu Yuwei and Leng Shumei | 2024/7/12 23:21:35
  • Global Development Initiative 'provides new model' that better suits Global South: conference

    Senior government officials and scholars from more than 110 countries and 30 international organizations gathered in Beijing at the second High-Level Conference of the Forum on Global Action for Shared Development on Friday, where they highly praised China's Global Development Initiative (GDI), saying that it's bringing a new model of sustainable development cooperation that better aligns with the interests and demands of Global South countries.

    By Fan Anqi | 2024/7/12 19:44:29
  • China strongly condemns extremely irresponsible remarks of NATO chief: FM

    China strongly condemns the extremely irresponsible and provocative remarks made by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg that were characterized by a Cold War mentality, blame shifting, and shirking responsibility on the Ukraine issue, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lin Jian said on Friday.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/12 18:56:24
  • China sanctions six US military companies, five senior executives over arms sales to Taiwan island

    China's Foreign Ministry (FM) on Friday announced sanctions on six US military companies and five senior executives over arms sales to China's Taiwan region, freezing all their movable and immovable properties, and other types of assets within China. These individuals will also be denied visas and entry into China, including its Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions (SARs).

    By Global Times | 2024/7/12 18:27:57
  • Germany's decision on Huawei, ZTE 5G issue to 'block its digital devt, harm mutual trust'

    On Thursday night, a spokesperson from the Chinese Embassy in Germany expressed strong dissatisfaction and resolute opposition to Germany's decision to phase out Huawei, ZTE telecom gear from its 5G network, warning the move will seriously undermine the mutual trust between the two sides and will also affect the future cooperation between China and the EU in the relevant fields.

    By GT staff reporters | 2024/7/12 11:10:46
  • US youth exchange delegation explores high-tech innovations, strengthens exchanges with students in Shanghai

    The US youth exchange delegation started their journey in Shanghai after visiting other Chinese cities such as Beijing and Fuzhou. They are participating in various activities, including experiencing the unique culture of each city, to strengthen communication and friendship with locals.

    By GT staff reporters | 2024/7/12 1:15:52
  • Report outlines fallacies, damaging effect of S.China Sea Arbitration Award

    Chinese institutions released a report on Thursday outlining the fallacies of the South China Sea Arbitration Award and the damage it does to the international rule of law. The report criticizes the unfairness of the Hague Tribunal and the illegitimacy of the Philippines' claims in the South China Sea.

    By Hu Yuwei, Zhao Yusha, and Leng Shumei | 2024/7/11 22:59:37
  • China rebuts NATO declaration as 'defamatory, provocative, belligerent'

    China voiced strong opposition and lodged stern representations on Thursday with NATO after the Cold War mentality-driven bloc issued a direct warning to China for the first time regarding the so-called support to Russia in the Ukraine crisis, which, some experts said, is essentially another attempt to shift the blame and smear China.

    By GT staff reporters | 2024/7/11 22:53:40
  • China repatriates Red Notice fugitive to US, stepping up collaboration in law enforcement

    Chinese police have repatriated a Red Notice fugitive wanted by the US, according to the Xinhua News Agency on Thursday. The repatriation marks another collaboration between the law enforcement agencies of China and the US.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/11 20:34:31
  • Chinese FM slams US' false claims of China supporting Russia's defense industry

    China firmly opposes US' baseless allegations of China supporting Russia's defense industry, as Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lin Jian on Thursday highlighted the lack of evidence and the hypocrisy of US actions, calling for real efforts toward peace instead of endless blame-shifting.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/11 19:35:04
  • China lodges serious representations with NATO over its wrongful China-related content in Washington Summit Declaration

    The NATO Washington Summit Declaration is filled with Cold War mentality and belligerent rhetoric, and the China-related paragraphs are provocative with obvious lies and smears. China firmly rejects and deplores these accusations and has lodged serious representations with NATO, a spokesperson from the Chinese Mission to the EU said on Thursday.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/11 12:35:00
  • China, Bangladesh elevate ties, broaden cooperation

    China and Bangladesh on Wednesday elevated their relations to a comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership. Chinese President Xi Jinping and Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina announced this while meeting in Beijing.

    By Wang Qi | 2024/7/10 22:50:10
  • Xi holds talks with Guinea-Bissau president

    Chinese President Xi Jinping held talks with Umaro Sissoco Embalo, president of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau, in Beijing on Wednesday.

    By Xinhua | 2024/7/10 17:24:34
  • China calls on parties involved in Ukraine conflict to exercise rationality and restraint: Chinese envoy to UN

    China reiterated its call for all parties involved in the Ukraine conflict to exercise rationality and restraint, effectively comply with international humanitarian law, and avoid attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure, Geng Shuang, China's deputy permanent representative to the UN, said on Tuesday.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/10 16:53:07
  • Xi meets Bangladeshi PM

    Xi meets Bangladeshi PM

    By Xinhua | 2024/7/10 16:08:25
  • China opposes US and its allies accusing China of directing cyberattacks: FM

    China opposes US and its allies accusing China of directing cyberattacks, a spokesperson from China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on Tuesday. The spokesperson added that the international community sees clearly who is conducting long-term monitoring and espionage on its allies; carrying out indiscriminate cyberattacks on other countries, and the source of all evil in promoting global cybersecurity threats.

    By GT staff reporters | 2024/7/10 8:52:45
  • Shanghai, Singapore deepen finance, digital economy cooperation

    The 5th meeting of the Singapore-Shanghai Comprehensive Cooperation Council (SSCCC) was held in Shanghai on Tuesday, aiming to deepen cooperation between Singapore and Shanghai in various fields including finance, technology innovation and the digital economy.

    By Yu Xi | 2024/7/10 1:44:11
  • China-Solomon ties 'model of mutual support'

    In the five years since the establishment of diplomatic relations, the relationship between China and Solomon Islands has positioned at the forefront of China's ties with Pacific Island Countries (PICs), becoming a model of mutual support and joint development between countries of different sizes, Chinese Ambassador to Solomon Islands Cai Weiming recently told the Global Times ahead of a visit to Beijing by Solomon Islands' prime minister.

    By Shan Jie | 2024/7/9 22:16:28
  • NATO summit in Washington 'outwardly tough but inwardly brittle'

    While the US and Western leaders gathered in Washington to mark NATO's 75th anniversary on Tuesday, their efforts to showcase "strength" and "unity" are being overshadowed by increasing internal divisions on global issues, challenges in supporting Ukraine, uncertainties stemming from the upcoming US presidential election, and the rise of right-wing nationalism across Europe, which make analysts view this year's NATO summit as "outwardly tough but inwardly brittle."

    By GT staff reporters | 2024/7/9 21:56:49
  • Busy 'summer diplomacy' season in China highlights openness, cooperation

    This week, China is experiencing a busy "summer diplomacy" season, with seven foreign dignitaries from Africa, Europe, Pacific Island countries, and Asia visiting China one after another. This reflects China's stance on opening up to the world and the tangible benefits that practical cooperation brings to the Global South countries. Under the US pressure, some developing countries continue to choose to strengthen ties with China, demonstrating their commitment to independence and resistance to hegemony, some experts said.

    By GT staff reporters | 2024/7/9 21:49:06
  • US side stays silent after US company found to have revised evidence after truth about 'Volt Typhoon' revealed

    After China released an investigation report on Volt Typhoon, the US, in order to cover up the evidence, instructed related companies to change the content of report they released previously, completely disregarding the traces left during the operation, the Global Times learned on Sunday. However, the US Embassy in China and company involved stayed silent when the Global Times reached for comments.

    By GT staff reporters | 2024/7/9 9:00:12
  • MOFCOM refutes EU comments on anti-subsidy investigation into Chinese EVs

    A spokesperson for the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) on Monday rejected remarks from the EU Ambassador to China on the anti-subsidy investigation into Chinese electric vehicles (EVs).

    By Global Times | 2024/7/9 0:30:25
  • Xi, Orban exchange views on Ukraine crisis; 'shuttle diplomacy helps amplify pragmatic voices within Europe'

    Chinese President Xi Jinping met with visiting Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban in Beijing on Monday, where the two leaders exchanged in-depth views on the Ukraine crisis.

    By Chen Qingqing and Bai Yunyi | 2024/7/8 22:28:41
  • Philippine grounded vessel damages corals and marine organism in S.China Sea while Philippines disrupts survey

    The Philippine military vessel that illegally grounded at the lagoon slope of China's Ren'ai Jiao (also known as Ren'ai Reef) in the South China Sea since 1999 has seriously damaged the diversity, stability and sustainability of the coral reef ecosystem in the area, according to a scientific report released on Monday.

    By Hu Yuwei and Zhao Juecheng | 2024/7/8 20:44:41
  • Modi starts Russia visit; West's attempt to sow discord among China, India and Russia underscores its growing disapproval: expert

    Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi started his two-day visit to Russia on Monday, marking his first foreign visit since beginning his third term in office. However, some Western media have been watching the visit closely and with apprehension, insinuating that China's growing relations with Russia could potentially strain India-Russia relations, which Chinese analysts criticized as an attempt to sow discord and also highlighted the West's growing concerns over New Delhi's deepening ties with Moscow.

    By Liu Xin | 2024/7/8 19:49:56
  • Xi, Orban exchange views on the Ukraine crisis

    Xi, Orban exchange views on the Ukraine crisis

    By Global Times | 2024/7/8 14:23:04
  • Xi meets Hungarian PM in Beijing

    Xi meets Hungarian PM in Beijing

    By Xinhua | 2024/7/8 11:10:30
  • GT exclusive: US company revises evidence after truth about 'Volt Typhoon' revealed by China

    After China released an investigation report on Volt Typhoon, the US, in order to cover up the evidence, instructed related companies to change the content of report they released previously, completely disregarding the traces left during the operation. This shows that the US side is at its wits' end when the truth is revealed, and will stop at nothing to smear China, researchers from China's National Computer Virus Emergency Response Center (CVERC) told the Global Times on Sunday.

    By Yuan Hong | 2024/7/8 8:59:18
  • Hungarian PM to visit China on Monday

    Hungarian PM to visit China on Monday

    By Xinhua | 2024/7/8 7:33:58
  • Ignoring NATO expansion won't make Ukraine peace plan successful: South African envoy

    The expansion of NATO is the fundamental cause of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, and if we ignore this element, we are not going to succeed in our solutions, South African Ambassador to China Siyabonga Cyprian Cwele told the Global Times on Sunday. He also noted that BRICS members including South Africa, China, Brazil and India are all united on the issue that there must be dialogue.

    By Chen Qingqing and Bai Yunyi | 2024/7/8 3:43:00
  • China to host high-level visits from two Pacific Island countries, Bangladesh

    At the very beginning of second half of the year of 2024, China is set to host another round of whirlwind diplomacy with visits including leaders from Pacific Island countries (PICs) Vanuatu and Solomon Islands, and South Asian country of Bangladesh.

    By Deng Xiaoci | 2024/7/7 22:17:54
  • Belarus recognizes potential of SCO, committed to making the organization's voice louder: FM

    After Belarus officially joined the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), becoming the 10th member state, Belarusian Foreign Minister Maxim Ryzhenkov expressed "gratitude" for the comprehensive support provided to Belarus on the path to full membership in the organization in Beijing on Saturday.

    By Xie Wenting | 2024/7/7 21:27:49
  • Attempt of US, India to play 'Dalai card' to contain China 'a self-consoling elegy': expert

    The US and India conveyed their greetings to the Dalai Lama on his birthday on Saturday. Chinese experts said their attempt to contain China by once again playing the so-called Dalai card is like a “self-consoling elegy,” which is doomed to be futile.

    By GT staff reporters | 2024/7/7 21:06:15
  • Joint contribution to global security governance urged at Peace Forum

    Chinese officials, foreign diplomats and scholars called for joint contributions to improving global security governance, safeguarding fairness and justice and promoting international security cooperation at the 12th World Peace Forum during the weekend.

    By GT staff reporters | 2024/7/7 20:46:03
  • Xi's visit amplifies 'Shanghai Spirit,' carries forward traditional friendship, enhances forces of peace: Chinese FM

    In summarizing Chinese President Xi Jinping's Central Asian trip, including attendance of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) Summit, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said the visit has amplified the “Shanghai Spirit,” deepened traditional friendships and opened a new vision for building a community with a shared future with neighboring countries.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/6 23:26:27
  • Former Japanese PM calls on Japan to abandon one-sided stance toward the US, play as bridge between China and US

    Over the past few years, the Japanese government has not only failed to act as a bridge in China-US relations but has also become the most reliable ally of the US in military and diplomatic matters. This largely reflects Japan's tendency to follow in America's footsteps after its defeat in World War II, former Prime Minister of Japan Yukio Hatoyama said at a plenary session of the 12th World Peace Forum in Beijing on Saturday.

    By Chen Qingqing | 2024/7/6 17:46:14
  • Vanuatu, Solomon Islands PMs' visits to China expected to boost cooperation

    China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on Friday that the prime ministers of the Republic of Vanuatu and Solomon Islands will pay official visits to China. Chinese experts anticipate that the visits will further strengthen the relations between China and the Pacific island countries to a higher level, as there is still great potential for further cooperation.

    By Yu Xi | 2024/7/5 23:10:34
  • UN Human Rights Council unanimously approves China's 4th UPR report

    China on Thursday completed its 4th United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council Universal Periodic Review (UPR) process, with the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland, unanimously approving its report.

    By Liu Xin | 2024/7/5 12:53:13
  • China, Tajikistan elevate ties during Xi's landmark visit

    China and Tajikistan on Friday announced the elevation of ties to comprehensive strategic partnership in the new era during Chinese President Xi Jinping's ongoing state visit to Tajikistan, injecting new momentum and opening up a new chapter in bilateral ties and common development of the two countries.

    By Li Xuanmin in Tajikistan and Chu Daye in Beijing | 2024/7/5 23:38:19
  • Starmer replaces Sunak after Labour Party wins UK election, facing challenges to deliver changes

    Labour leader Keir Starmer has officially become the new prime minister of the UK after the center-left party won a landslide victory in the UK's general election on Friday, sweeping the Conservative Party out of power after a 14-year rule.

    By Wang Qi | 2024/7/5 22:56:45
  • US attempt to tarnish reputation of Chinese swimmers 'an old trick of politicizing sports,' won't blind majority: experts

    The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) again voiced its disappointment over the US' attempt to tarnish the reputation of Chinese swimmers in a 2021 contamination case, as Washington on Thursday opened an investigation into doping allegations just three weeks ahead of the Paris Olympics.

    By Fan Anqi | 2024/7/5 23:00:29
  • China, Tajikistan elevate ties to comprehensive strategic partnership in the new era

    China, Tajikistan elevate ties to comprehensive strategic partnership in the new era

    By Xinhua | 2024/7/5 21:28:08
  • Xi awards Tajik President Rahmon China's friendship medal

    Xi awards Tajik President Rahmon China's friendship medal

    By Xinhua | 2024/7/5 20:38:08
  • Xi attends welcome ceremony hosted by Tajik President Rahmon

    Xi attends welcome ceremony hosted by Tajik President Rahmon

    By Xinhua | 2024/7/5 18:05:48
  • Xi says China to strengthen complementarity between BRI, Tajikistan's national development strategy

    China will work with Tajikistan to strengthen complementarity between the Belt and Road Initiative and the National Development Strategy of Tajikistan up to the period of 2030 as a concrete step to boost their respective development and revitalization, Chinese President Xi Jinping said in a signed article published on Tajik media on Friday.

    By Xinhua | 2024/7/5 14:15:18
  • Wang Yi meets Jaishankar as both sides agree to continue talks on border issues

    China and India should properly manage and control border issues while resuming normal bilateral exchanges and meet each other halfway, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Thursday when meeting with his Indian counterpart. Both sides agreed to hold a new round of talks on the border issues at an early date.

    By GT staff reporters | 2024/7/5 2:46:27
  • Xi arrives in Tajikistan for state visit

    Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived here Thursday for a state visit to Tajikistan.

    By Xinhua | 2024/7/5 0:19:41
  • Xi hails solid foundation of SCO, warns of real threat, risks

    Chinese President Xi Jinping on Thursday called on the members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) to ensure security in the face of real threats from the Cold War mentality, and safeguard the right to development in the face of real risks from the “small yard, high fences” mind-set, while commending the solid foundation of the SCO amid growing membership.

    By GT staff reporters in Kazakhstan and Tajikistan | 2024/7/4 22:47:14
  • US runs into 'self-imposed obstacles' as Pentagon seeks Huawei exemption

    Despite US media revealing that the Pentagon is seeking an exemption from a 2019 Act that prohibits the US Department of Defense from contracting with entities that use Huawei equipment, Chinese analysts believe it's not a sign that the US will slow down its crackdown on China's technological development, but does show that the US' abuse of the "national security" concept has backfired, and that as Huawei continues to grow, the US will increasingly run into more self-imposed obstacles.

    By Wang Qi | 2024/7/4 20:13:39
  • China won't tolerate any violation, threat of its legitimate rights: FM on Philippine senator's claim about China's missile plan

    Chinese Foreign Ministry said on Thursday that China is committed to peaceful development and a national defense policy that is defensive in nature, and China does not pose a threat to any country, after a prominent Philippine senator claimed that China had set up 25 targets around the Philippine archipelago that it would attack with hypersonic missiles.

    By Chen Qingqing | 2024/7/4 19:30:51
  • Chinese FM welcomes more visits of international travelers following a US vlogger's travel meme going viral

    The Chinese Foreign Ministry welcomes more visits of international travelers to experience the vibrancy of China as it is following a US vlogger's travel meme “city bu city” – literally meaning “city or not city” – that sparked a surge in inbound tourism to China.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/4 19:10:53
  • Xi attends "SCO+" meeting

    Chinese President Xi Jinping attended the "SCO+" meeting held here on Thursday.

    By Xinhua | 2024/7/4 18:38:28
  • Xi attends SCO summit

    Xi attends SCO summit

    By Xinhua | 2024/7/4 13:37:42
  • Xi meets Russia's Putin in Astana, urging conservation of unique value in bilateral cooperation

    China and Russia should continuously conserve the unique value in China-Russia relations, and explore the internal driving force of bilateral cooperation, Chinese President Xi Jinping said on Wednesday while meeting with his old friend Russian President Vladimir Putin in Astana, Kazakhstan, on the sidelines of the three-day Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) summit.

    By Fan Anqi and Cui Fandi | 2024/7/4 0:29:39
  • Hyping Chinese 'spy bases' in Cuba slander; shows US' hysteria: expert

    Chinese Foreign Ministry on Wednesday refuted a US think tank report claiming that it has found some suspected “spy bases” in Cuba which it believes would enable China to conduct intelligence operations against the US. Analysts said the US has once again hyped up the issue through the collusion between the media and institutions to suppress and smear China. At the same time, it reflects the anxiety of Washington, which is deeply entrenched in its Monroe Doctrine tradition, over China's rising influence and deepening ties with Latin America.

    By Wang Qi | 2024/7/3 23:32:25
  • Xi, Tokayev hold talks, hail China-Kazakhstan relations

    Chinese President Xi Jinping said that he is ready to work with Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev to jointly build a more substantive and dynamic China-Kazakhstan community with a shared future, and inject more positive energy to the development and stability of the region and beyond, during his meeting with Tokayev at the presidential palace in Astana on Wednesday.

    By GT staff reporters in Kazakhstan and Tajikistan | 2024/7/3 23:25:21
  • Xi meets Russian President Vladimir Putin

    Xi meets Russian president Vladimir Putin

    By Xinhua | 2024/7/3 21:33:42
  • Xi meets Kyrgyz President Sadyr Japarov

    Xi meets Kyrgyz President Sadyr Japarov

    By Xinhua | 2024/7/3 21:04:39
  • Xi meets Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev

    Xi meets Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev

    By Xinhua | 2024/7/3 20:39:11
  • Xi meets Uzbek President Shavkat Mirziyoyev

    Xi meets Uzbek President Shavkat Mirziyoyev

    By Xinhua | 2024/7/3 20:08:02
  • China, Kazakhstan sign joint statement

    China, Kazakhstan sign joint statement

    By Xinhua | 2024/7/3 15:08:31
  • Xi holds talks with Kazakh President Tokayev

    Xi holds talks with Kazakh President Tokayev

    By Xinhua | 2024/7/3 13:13:53
  • Xi attends welcome ceremony hosted by Kazakh President Tokayev

    Xi attends welcome ceremony hosted by Kazakh President Tokayev

    By Xinhua | 2024/7/3 13:07:15
  • Chinese TV show opens window onto Saudi Arabia for Chinese viewers, says ambassador

    Amid the warming trend of cultural exchanges between China and countries along the Silk Road, Chang Hua, Chinese Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, mentioned Chinese TV show Divas Hit The Road, Season V, which features the culture and lifestyle along the Silk Road. The show helps to open a new window for Chinese audiences to learn more about Saudi Arabia and promotes exchanges between the two countries, Chang said, according to a report on the website of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Monday.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/3 0:48:01
  • UN adopts Chinese resolution on closing AI gap

    The US' recent move targeting investments in artificial intelligence (AI) in China is not helpful to the healthy development of the technology and will lead to divisions in global governance, China's envoy to the UN said, after the UN adopted a Chinese resolution on closing the gap in access to AI.

    By Liu Caiyu | 2024/7/2 23:11:27
  • Xi's Kazakhstan visit to draw new blueprint for ties, SCO

    Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived in Kazakhstan on Tuesday for the 24th Meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) and a state visit to Kazakhstan, the Xinhua News Agency reported.

    By GT staff reporters in Kazakhstan and Tajikistan | 2024/7/2 22:44:29
  • 'Manila's provocations in South China Sea to be responded with countermeasures'

    The Philippines, in ignoring growing domestic calls for seeking constructive dialogues and consensus with China in tackling divergences on the South China Sea issue, has continued to make provocations not only in maritime issues but also in the legal sphere, for which China is fully prepared, and its moves that jeopardize China's legitimate interest will be responded with countermeasures.

    By Fan Wei, Chen Qingqing and Hu Yuwei | 2024/7/2 20:27:24
  • New Zealand urged to seek justice in cases of attack on Chinese student and possible unfair treatment against Chinese tourists

    China attaches great importance to safeguarding the lives and property of Chinese citizens and their legitimate rights and interests, expressed serious concern about the recent cases of Chinese students being attacked in Auckland of New Zealand and Chinese tourists being subjected to possible unfair treatment by the police, according to Ye Su, minister-counsellor of the Chinese Embassy in New Zealand, on Tuesday during talks with New Zealand officials.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/2 15:34:42
  • Chinese Embassy in Philippines urges thorough investigation on kidnapping and death of a Chinese national

    The Chinese Embassy in the Philippines on Tuesday urged the Philippines to thoroughly investigate the case in which a Chinese national was kidnapped and killed, calling for the swift arrest and punishment of the perpetrators.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/2 13:31:11
  • On behalf of over 80 countries, China advocates promoting women's rights through AI at UNHRC

    China on Monday spoke on behalf of more than 80 countries at the 56th session of the UN Human Rights Council, addressing the promoting of women's rights through artificial intelligence (AI) and advocating international cooperation to bridge the AI divide and collaborate to face challenges AI poses to women globally.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/2 11:01:38
  • Xi leaves for SCO summit, state visits to Kazakhstan, Tajikistan

    Chinese President Xi Jinping left Beijing on Tuesday morning for the 24th Meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in Astana, and state visits to Kazakhstan and Tajikistan at the invitation of President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev of the Republic of Kazakhstan and President Emomali Rahmon of the Republic of Tajikistan.

    By Xinhua | 2024/7/2 10:03:50
  • RN wins 1st round, signals an unstable stage in France's political system: observer

    French President Emmanuel Macron and his centrist coalition have been defeated in the first round of France's snap legislative elections held on Sunday, as the far-right wing party National Rally (RN) took a clear lead, followed by left-wing alliance New Popular Front (NFP).

    By GT staff reporters | 2024/7/1 22:51:18
  • South Korea strengthens regulations to attract Chinese tourists; more facilitating policies needed to boost people-to-people exchanges: analyst

    South Korea announced on Sunday that it will revise regulations to eliminate "dumping tours" in a bid to attract Chinese tour groups. Analysts said that such measures are beneficial for enhancing mutual understanding between the two peoples, and it is hoped that South Korea will continue to adopt facilitating policies that promote bilateral people-to-people exchanges.

    By Zhang Yuying | 2024/7/1 22:06:24
  • NASA plays 'blame-shifting' game with China as lunar soil research set to start

    As the US space industry recently faced yet more delays and stagnation with key components including manned spacecraft and space suits "going wrong," NASA has once again resorted to its "sour grapes" rhetoric upon seeing China's successful retrieval of fresh lunar soils from the far side of the moon, by claiming that China did not directly invite its scientists to participate in the lunar soil research.

    By Fan Anqi | 2024/7/1 21:21:03
  • US urged to stop using so-called religious issues to meddle in China's internal affairs: Chinese FM

    China opposes the US so-called report on international religious freedom, which has no factual basis, is filled with lies and disinformation and reeks of ideological bias, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning said on Monday, who urged the US to stop using so-called religious issues to meddle in China's internal affairs.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/1 21:38:31
  • Suggestion that removing US presidential candidate could 'benefit China' just an absurd attempt to shift blame: expert

    As US President Joe Biden's performance in the TV debate prompted controversy, US media outlets claimed that challenging Biden could benefit adversaries like China and Russia, allowing them to lash out at the US democratic system, but Chinese analysts slammed the absurd and boring claim which is an attempt to depict China as a hypothetical enemy to defend Biden, and they know it [the defense] won't help much.

    By GT staff reporters | 2024/7/1 20:26:26
  • Xi sends congratulatory message to new Australian Governor-General Samantha Mostyn

    Xi sends congratulatory message to new Australian Governor-General Samantha Mostyn

    By Xinhua | 2024/7/1 10:32:07
  • Xi to attend SCO summit, visit Kazakhstan, Tajikistan

    From Tuesday to Saturday, Chinese President Xi Jinping will attend the 24th Meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in Astana and, at the invitation of President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev of the Republic of Kazakhstan and President Emomali Rahmon of the Republic of Tajikistan, pay state visits to Kazakhstan and Tajikistan, China's Foreign Ministry announced on Sunday.

    By Li Xuanmin and Xing Xiaojing | 2024/6/30 22:58:13
  • France starts voting in snap election as RN leads in polls

    French President Emmanuel Macron's political gamble faces its first test as voters headed to the polls on Sunday in the first round of snap parliamentary election, which could potentially result in the country's first far-right government since World War II. Observers believe that a victory of the far-right could not only render Macron a "lame duck" in his remaining years as president, but also affect France's support for Ukraine and have an impact on EU unity.

    By GT staff reporters | 2024/6/30 22:51:46
  • Exclusive: China Coast Guard vessel helps rescue a Philippine fishing boat in distress near Huangyan Dao

    A China Coast Guard (CCG) vessel in patrol launched a rescue operation and helped rescue a Philippine fishing boat in distress in the waters near China's Huangyan Dao, also known as Huangyan Island, in the South China Sea on Saturday, with two people on board injured and in critical condition, the Global Times learned from the CCG exclusively on Sunday.

    By Lin Xiaoyi and Du Qiongfang | 2024/6/30 19:26:13
  • Joint military drills among Japan, NATO countries orchestrated by US, target not only Russia but also China: experts

    Russia has protested against joint military exercises among Japan and NATO countries, including Germany and Spain, taking place on the northern Japanese island of Hokkaido, which neighbors Russia's Far East.

    By GT staff reporters | 2024/6/30 19:00:45
  • Xi to attend SCO summit, pay state visits to Kazakhstan, Tajikistan

    Xi to attend SCO summit, pay state visits to Kazakhstan, Tajikistan

    By Xinhua | 2024/6/30 15:03:46
  • 'Future World' exhibition promotes youth exchanges among SCO member states

    The 2024 "Future World" International Youth Art Exhibition kicked off on Thursday at the National Museum of Tajikistan in Dushanbe, aiming to build a bridge for youth exchanges among the member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), promote understanding of cultural diversity, and foster deeper knowledge of China among global youth through artistic creation.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/29 15:36:27
  • China's resolve to stay on path of peaceful development unchanged: Xi

    China's resolve to stay on the path of peaceful development, develop friendship and cooperation with all countries, and promote common development across the world will not change, Chinese President Xi Jinping said while delivering a speech at the Conference Marking the 70th Anniversary of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence on Friday in Beijing.

    By Liu Xin, Xing Xiaojing and Ding Yazhi | 2024/6/28 23:35:27
  • Pakistani caretakers of Chinese graveyard invited to attend commemorative events for Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence in Beijing

    China on Friday held a series of activities, including a commemorative conference, in Beijing to mark the 70th anniversary of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. Ali Ahmed, who has been the caretaker of the Gilgit Chinese Memorial Cemetery in Pakistan for 46 years and received the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence Friendship Award in 2015, was invited to attend the events on Friday and said in an interview with the Global Times that peace is precious in any era.

    By GT staff reporters | 2024/6/28 23:17:19
  • Cooperation between China and Peru achieves fruitful results: Xi

    Chinese President Xi Jinping held talks with Peruvian President Dina Boluarte on Friday in Beijing. Xi said cooperation in various fields between China and Peru has achieved fruitful results. Chinese enterprises have played an important role in Peru's economic development. China attaches great importance to the development of China-Peru relations, and is willing elevate the comprehensive strategic partnership with Peru to a new level.

    By GT staff reporters | 2024/6/28 22:45:14
  • Xi holds talks with Peruvian president

    Chinese President Xi Jinping held talks with Peruvian President Dina Ercilia Boluarte Zegarra on Friday in Beijing.

    By Xinhua | 2024/6/28 16:49:44
  • Xi, Venezuela's Maduro exchange congratulations on 50th anniversary of diplomatic ties

    Xi, Venezuela's Maduro exchange congratulations on 50th anniversary of diplomatic ties

    By Xinhua | 2024/6/28 13:55:35
  • China's cooperation with Peru can serve as a model for Latin America: Peruvian president

    During Peruvian President Dina Boluarte's five-day visit in China, she tried out China's new energy vehicles in Shenzhen and gave a thumbs up to the new technology of Chinese enterprises. She also took a ride on China's high-speed rail and praised it, saying, “Chinese high-speed train is really fast! We arrived [at our destination] so quickly.” She extended an invitation to Chinese people, saying Peru has many world-renowned historical and cultural heritage sites, and we welcome more Chinese tourists to visit.

    By Zhao Yusha and Bai Yunyi | 2024/6/28 9:47:48
  • Peruvian president welcomes investment from Chinese firms during state visit

    In the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum this year, Peru wants to work with all economies on priority areas, such as sustainable agriculture, food security, and the use of clean energy in the Asia-Pacific region, Peruvian President Dina Boluarte said on Thursday in Shanghai.

    By GT staff reporters | 2024/6/27 23:58:54
  • US urged to stop using religion to smear China after latest report

    The US once again made China its top target in its latest report on international religious freedom, linking China with "genocide" and "anti-Semitism," which is completely inaccurate, said the Chinese Embassy in the US. Washington is urged to stop using so-called religious issues to meddle in China's internal affairs, said an Embassy spokesperson.

    By GT staff reporters | 2024/6/27 21:55:18
  • Philippines playing victim by hyping SCS issue 'has little practical effect'

    After the Philippine ambassador to the US hyped that the South China Sea dispute may spread to all of Asia and even bring nuclear risks, Chinese experts said on Thursday that Manila is once again trying to portray Beijing as a threat and further rally support from countries inside and outside the region. However, the Philippines' playing the victim card will have little practical effect, as the international community is becoming tired of its tricks.

    By GT staff reporters | 2024/6/27 21:47:39
  • First TV face-off between Biden and Trump 'like a reality show'

    The world's attention is focused on the first presidential debate of 2024 between US President Joe Biden and former president Donald Trump on Thursday. Chinese experts said rather than focusing on policy, global viewers are much more concerned about the physical condition of the two candidates.

    By Chen Qingqing | 2024/6/27 21:27:49
  • US-led RIMPAC drill kicks off, 'with PLA amphibious assault ship in mind'

    The US-led Exercise Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) 2024 was scheduled to kick off on Thursday, with a key part of the drills being sinking a 40,000-ton target ship that analysts said aim to show off the capability to destroy a Chinese amphibious assault ship or aircraft carrier amid current tensions in the Taiwan Straits and the South China Sea.

    By Liu Xuanzun and Guo Yuandan | 2024/6/27 19:41:05
  • China, UN organizations and other countries co-host side event to promote barrier-free constructions

    China consistently promotes high-quality development to advance Chinese-style modernization and is committed to promoting barrier-free and age-friendly construction and continually advancing international cooperation in this field, Ambassador Chen Xu, Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations Office at Geneva and other International Organizations in Switzerland, said at a side event of the 56th session of the UN Human Rights Council on Wednesday.

    By Liu Xin | 2024/6/27 13:19:31
  • China's cultural exchange with Islamic countries promotes stability and development in Global South

    The 5th International Congress on “China and the Islamic World: Cultural Encounters and Mutual Learning” commenced in Beijing on Wednesday, attracting experts and scholars specializing in Islamic history, art, and culture from both domestic and international backgrounds.

    By GT Staff Reporters | 2024/6/27 3:29:30
  • Exclusive: China, Indonesia building robust ties in trade, investment, tourism, official says

    The trade volume between China and Indonesia has risen strongly and now exceeds $100 billion a year. China has been Indonesia's largest trading partner for 11 consecutive years and has ranked among Indonesia's top three sources of foreign investment for eight consecutive years. Additionally, the prospects for cooperation between the two countries in emerging industries, including new-energy vehicles, are promising. In terms of cultural exchanges, Indonesia has become one of the preferred destinations for an increasing number of Chinese tourists. During the three-day Summer Davos forum held in Dalian, Northeast China's Liaoning Province, Global Times (GT) reporter Yin Yeping interviewed Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno (Uno), minister of tourism and creative economy of Indonesia, who shared insights into how China and Indonesia can strengthen their ties. He also expressed his stance on growing protectionism, advocating for cooperation and free trade.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/27 2:55:06
  • Von der Leyen expected to take second term; 'shift in external policy possible'

    Germany's Ursula von der Leyen is poised for a second term as president of the European Commission after European political leaders reached a consensus on Tuesday, according to multiple media reports. Although the EU's China policy in her current term in office was not proactive, analysts said that new factors in the future could potentially lead to a change in her second term.

    By GT staff reporters | 2024/6/26 22:39:40
  • US, not China, 'creates chilling effect' on exchanges

    The Chinese Foreign Ministry on Wednesday refuted US Ambassador Nicholas Burns' wrongful remarks that China was "working to prevent normal interactions between Chinese and American citizens," noting that it is the US, not China, that has created a "chilling effect" to the normal interactions between the two sides due to its incessant harassment and interrogation of Chinese citizens.

    By GT staff reporters | 2024/6/26 22:22:49
  • Xi meets Vietnam PM, calls for maintaining solidarity and friendship

    Chinese President Xi Jinping met with Prime Minister of Vietnam Pham Minh Chinh in Beijing on Wednesday, saying that the rapid economic development and long-term social stability of the two countries demonstrate the strengths of the socialist system.

    By Zhang Han, Fan Anqi and Zhang Wanshi | 2024/6/26 16:37:24