China to work together with Lancang-Mekong River countries to promote regional prosperity
Published: Dec 07, 2023 01:00 AM
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi (right) meets with Myanmar's Deputy Prime Minister and Union Minister for Foreign Affairs U Than Swe on Wednesday. Photo:

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi (right) meets with Myanmar's Deputy Prime Minister and Union Minister for Foreign Affairs U Than Swe on Wednesday. Photo:

China is willing to work together with the countries of the Lancang-Mekong region to discuss cooperation plans and jointly promote regional prosperity, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Wednesday when meeting with Myanmar's Deputy Prime Minister and Union Minister for Foreign Affairs U Than Swe.

Wang, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, met U Than Swe in Beijing, who will jointly host the eighth Lancang-Mekong Cooperation (LMC) Foreign Ministers' Meeting on Thursday.

Wang stated that China is willing to work together with the Lancang-Mekong River countries to successfully organize the LMC Foreign Ministers' Meeting and discuss cooperation plans to promote regional prosperity.

U Than Swe said the eighth LMC Foreign Ministers' Meeting is of great significance and looks forward to close cooperation with China to ensure the successful outcome of the meeting.

Wang said that China and Myanmar are comprehensive strategic partners with a long-standing pauk-phaw friendship, always supporting and trusting each other. China hopes that Myanmar can achieve national reconciliation as soon as possible within the framework of the constitution and continue its political transition process.

China never interferes in Myanmar's internal affairs and appreciates Myanmar's adherence to the one-China principle. China believes that Myanmar will continue to firmly oppose "Taiwan independence" and support the cause of China's reunification, Wang added.

Wang emphasized that recent China-Myanmar cooperation in cracking down on telecom fraud in northern Myanmar and rescuing trapped individuals has achieved results, effectively deterring criminals. Both sides need to strengthen law enforcement and security cooperation to completely eradicate the scourge of online gambling and telecom fraud, according to Wang.

U Than Swe expressed that China is Myanmar's most important neighboring country. Myanmar highly values the development of its relationship with China and admires China's achievements, he added, noting Myanmar is willing to deepen cooperation in various fields with China and jointly build a community with a shared future.

Myanmar appreciates China for sharing cooperation opportunities under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative and will accelerate domestic coordination to actively promote the construction of China-Myanmar Economic Corridor, U Than Swe added.

Moreover, U Than Swe said that Myanmar still faces many challenges internally and hopes to continue receiving support and assistance from China to achieve domestic peace and stability. Myanmar will resolutely crack down on cross-border illegal activities such as telecom fraud and will conduct comprehensive coordination and cooperation with China in this regard, he said.

The two sides also had friendly and in-depth exchanges of views on stabilizing the situation in northern Myanmar.

Global Times