Reform and opening-up is path toward Chinese dream
Published: Dec 20, 2023 05:33 PM
Illustration: Liu Xidan/GT

Illustration: Liu Xidan/GT

The Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) kicked off in Beijing on December 18, 1978, marking the beginning of China's journey of reform and opening-up. Over the past 45 years, China has undergone various stages of reform, from the initial reform of the economic system to the comprehensive deepening of reform. These reforms have been all-encompassing, profound, and multi-faceted, leading to historic achievements for the country. The country has unswervingly pushed forward the comprehensive deepening of reform and opening-up in the new era, especially since the 18th CPC National Congress, fully unleashing the momentum and vitality in the pursuit of high-quality development.

How can China firmly grasp the direction of reform and opening-up? First of all, we should emphasize institutional building and establish a more mature and solid system in all aspects. Second, we should transform the advantages of the system into the effectiveness of governance. Third, we must always adhere to the concept of putting the people first.

Reform and opening-up determines the fate of Chinese modernization because the CPC has gradually succeeded in creating Chinese modernization in the historical evolution since the founding of the People's Republic of China. As of the 18th CPC National Congress, under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, the "acceleration button" was pressed in China's modernization drive.

As socialism with Chinese characteristics enters a new era, one of the overall goals of the comprehensive deepening of reform is to proactively "modernize China's system and capacity for governance." The comprehensive deepening of reform in the new era is mainly about upholding and improving the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics and modernizing China's system and capacity for governance.

From the call for "four modernizations" in four areas of development - industry, agriculture, defense, and science and technology, to "socialist modernization," to "modernizing China's system and capacity for governance," it can be seen that the CPC plays a fundamental and leading role in achieving China's socialist modernization. This is accomplished through the party's strong leadership, guidance of advanced ideology, selection of the correct path, and effective governance of the country with institutional advantages.

Reform and opening-up is the path that China must take to develop, advance and achieve the Chinese dream. The 45 years of reform and opening-up have created and expanded the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics. This path is a firm choice made by the party after realizing that "we must not return to the isolation and rigidity of the past, or veer off course by changing our nature or abandoning our system." It's a path that not only leads to a powerful China, but also to revolution, innovation, rejuvenation, shared benefits and unrelenting hard work.

The theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, created and developed during the reform and opening-up, has been guiding the efforts to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Reform and opening-up have developed and prospered the socialist culture with Chinese characteristics - a culture that has played a leading and supportive role in China's socialist modernization. 

In 1978, both China and the CPC embarked on the long march of reform and opening-up. Since then, history has proved that this process is not smooth. Over the past 45 years of reform and opening-up, the Chinese communists and people have made tremendous arduous efforts to build a great modern socialist country and realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation by constantly solving problems and overcoming risks and challenges. The spirit of reform and opening up is the crystallization of the spirit of contemporary Chinese communists and the symbol of the spirit of the Chinese people today. 

Reform and opening-up have ushered in great advancements, as the Chinese nation has achieved a tremendous transformation - it has stood up, grown rich and become strong. The CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has combined the fundamental principles of Marxism with the reality of China in this new era, particularly since the 18th CPC National Congress. With the unity of the masses and the collective efforts, we will promote the all-round and groundbreaking historical achievements of the party and the country, and bring about profound and fundamental historical changes.

The author is a research fellow at the Party School of the CPC Central Committee. opinion@globaltimes.com.cn